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Posts posted by rastaban

  1. Hi novice. I myself have jupiter in 5th degree capricorn in the navamsha (taurus ascendand navamsha)..hope that other aspects are more auspicious!

    Well I started recently to read about Vedic astrology because I like sidereal..but Im a bit confused..anyway I found a website that may be of interest for your query. It is in the jyotish.tribe.net and the thread begins with: All dusthana lords in 12th house.

    Good luck :)


  2. Hello and blessings to all :)


    I have many many questions regarding Vedic astrology, but for now I want to ask you about functional malefic and benefic planets. For example for an Ascendant in Taurus Jupiter is functional malefic being the 8th lord. If in a horoscope with Lagna Taurus, Jupiret is weak (say in Capricorn, and that would place him in the 9th house) then what do you think that his energy is likely to manifest? Is it good for a functional malefic to be weak, or its even worse?

  3. Than you all for reading my post and replying to it :)))

    Well these are only some of the questions I have.

    First of all in this example (my chart) Saturn is the lord of a Trikoma (5<SUP>th</SUP>) and the sixth house and also aspects the second house and the 10<SUP>th</SUP> house. Also Sati is in a sign (Leo.. very close to fixed star Regulus..the Leo’s heart”) a sing that he “doesn’t like” very much and is in the malefic 12 house. Having some experience in the modern western astrology the term “malefic” isn’t something that I personally like, especially for the position of a house.. Nevertheless as far as I understand is a position that could create issues that I must confront so I could learn something.

    1)How can a “hard”, “thrifty” planet like Sati could manifest as a lord of a Trikoma and bring luck ? A luck that could be the result of a nature that doesn’t expects much and is contempt with the “little but essential things” that come in our everyday life?? ( I don’t know ..only make some suggestions there)

    2) What a weak Sati means? And in our case it aspects the 10<SUP>th</SUP> house. Would you say that it makes me prone to a weakened common sense in matters regarding my career for example?

    3) Sati is the lord of 6<SUP>th</SUP> also. When a malefic is weak it can cause extra problems when the lord of such house as 6<SUP>th</SUP>? If Sati was exalted and in aspect with the 6<SUP>th</SUP> house ,he would cause less trouble or more?

    Another issue. I have read somewhere that a male planets like Mars are stronger in the first 10degrees , the neutrals around the middle of a sign and Moon and Venus in the last 10 degrees of a sign. What do you know/think about that and the theory of infancy of a planet? For example Jupiter is exalted in 5<SUP>th</SUP> Cancer. Would you say that in the 3<SUP>rd</SUP> degree Cancer is weak?

    Another issue. Could the planet that gets exaltation in the sing of a Trikoma house can act as a Trikoma lord? (in our example-my chart, Taurus is a Trikoma sign, and Moon is the exaltation ruler of this planet)

    Another issue. Moon is the ruler of Cancer, and in our example Cancer comes the second house from the Moon and Mars is in Cancer. I sense that the Moon and Mars must have some special interaction although Moon doesn’t aspect Mars (Im I correct?)

    Another issue. How can the friendship theory manifest? Lets say that my Venus is in Libra (second house). Venus and Mars are natural enemies. In the example Libra Venus is 4<SUP>th</SUP> from Cancer Mars so i) Mars gets temporal friendy with Venus ii) Mars aspects Libra. So the two of them are getting neutral? Is it best to be a neutral with Mars when you are getting an aspect from him?

    Another issue. Do you believe that the certain Nakshatras that the individual planets hold, have great importance, or just it is for the Moon, Lagma and Sun?

    Hope to get back to this :))


  4. Hello to all! Im new to Vedic astrology (little experience in Western). The reason I started to read about this system is that I'm fascinated about the "true" link between the various fixed stars of the zodiac and their respective signs (sidereal astrology versus tropical). But it isn't that easy for me because I am very indetified as a sagittarian (Sun) with Libra Ascendant, and can't quite grasp how I can be a Scorpio Sun with Virgo Lagna after all!...yet I can already see that some things make sense (for example my Ardra nakshatra)

    This is also a somehow troublesome period of my life after a difficult break up with someone I deeply loved and now I'm trying to overcome my stilness and procrastination..

    I was wondering if someone could give me some insights based on my chart. For example, the Rahu in Lagna, the Moon with Jupiter retrograde the later ruling two kedras houses and not a trikoma and in exchange of signs with the Lagna ruler (the later being also in a kedra). Perhaps this is a central issue of this chart..but what it could really mean or how it could propably manifest in my life I dont know. I also noticed that Venus is 0degrees Scorpio...but if I change to the Fagan sidereal system it is considered in 29degrees Libra, and when I looked in fixed stars, it is absolutely closer the Libra Scales rather than any of the eastern stars of Scorpio (Venus conjuncts the fixed Star Agena). I suppose it is of great importance for the interpatation of the chart in Vedic astrology because it changes its house number, and wondering if someone has a relative experience of these 1-2 first degrees of the sign Scorpio. Also I noticed that there is a very weak Saturn in the chart (in Leo and in the 12th house, being the ruler of a trikoma but also 6th and aspecting the 10th).. what it could mean and how do you suggest to remedy its weakness?

    Thank you very much!


    born 29 November 1977 2.40am local time Athens, Greece


    Lagna 15 Virgo

    Rahu 20 Virgo

    Venus 0 Scorpio

    Sun 13 Scorpio

    Mercury 13 Sagittarius

    Jupiter 10 Gemmini

    Moon 18 Gemmini

    Mars 16 Cancer

    Saturn 6 Leo

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