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Posts posted by pundit27

  1. I am really confused after reading this article by my freind! and it is true, some one help me as i agree with this article!


    This article was in the October 1997 issue of the Message Magazine...


    Research: Prof Pundit Vaid Parkash

    Translated: Mir Abdul Majeed


    **The Last Kalki Autar (Messenger) that the Veda has foretold and who is

    waited on by Hindus is the Prophet Muhammed ibn Abdullah (saw) **


    A recently published book in Hindi has raised a lot of hue and cry all over

    India. in the event of the author being Muslim, he would have been jailed

    and a strict ban would have certainly been imposed on the printing and the

    publishing of the book. The author of this important research work "Kalki

    Autar" i.e. "guide and Prophet of whole universe" comes of a Bengali race

    and holds an important portfolio at Ilahabad University. Pundit Vaid Parkash

    is a Brahman Hindu and a well known Sanskrit scholar and research worker.


    Pundit Vaid Parkash, after a great deal of toil and hard-work, presented the

    work to as many as eight great Pundits who are themselves very well known in

    the field of research in India, and are amongst the learned religious

    leaders. Their Pundits, after thorough study of the book, have acknowledged

    this to be true and authentic research work. Important religious books of

    India mention the guide and prophet by the specific name of "Kalki Autar" it

    denotes the great man Muhammed (saw) who was born in Makkah. Hence, all

    Hindus where-ever they may be, should wait no longer for any other 'kalki

    autar' but to embrace Islam and follow in the footsteps of the last

    Messenger of Allah (swt) who was sent in the world about fourteen hundred

    years ago with a mission from Him and after accomplishing it has long ago

    departed this world. As an argument to prove the authenticity of his

    research, Pundit Vaid Parkash quotes from the Veda, a sacred book among



    1. Veda mentions that 'kalki autar' will be the last Messenger/Prophet of

    Bhagwan (Allah) to guide the whole world. After quoting this reference the

    Pundit Parkash says that this comes true only in the case of Muhammed (saw).


    2. According to a prophecy of Hinduism, 'kalki autar' will be born in an

    island and that is the Arab territory which is known as 'jazeeratul Arab'.


    3. In the 'sacred' book of Hindus the father's name of 'kalki autar' is

    mentioned as 'Vishnu Bhagat' and his mother's name as 'somanib'. In

    sanskrit, 'vishnu' stands for Allah (swt) and the literal meaning of

    'bhagat' is slave. 'Vishnu Bhagat' therefore, in the Arabic language will

    mean Allah's slave (Abdullah). 'Somanib' in Sanskrit means peace and

    tranquilty which in arabic is denoted by the word 'Amina'. Whereas the last

    Messenger Muhammed's (saw) father and mother's names were Abdullah and Amina



    4. In the big books of Hindus, it is mentioned that 'kalki autar' will live

    on olive and dates and he will be true to his words and honest. In this

    regard Pundit Parkash writes, "This is true and established only in the case

    of Muhammed (saw)".


    5. Veda mentions that 'kalki autar' will be born in the respected and noble

    dynasty of his land. And this is also true as regards Muhammed (saw) as he

    was born in the respected tribe of Quraish who enjoyed great respect adn

    high place in Makkah.


    6. 'Kalki Autar' will be taught in the cave by Bhagwan through his own

    messenger. And it is very true in this matter. Muhammed (saw) was the only

    one person in Makkah who has taught by Allah's Messenger Gabriel in the cave

    of Hira.


    7. It is written in the books which Hindus believe that Bhagwan will provide

    'Kalki autar' with the fastest of a horse and with the help of which he will

    ride around the world and the seven skies/heavens. The riding on 'Buraq' and

    'Meraj' by the Prophet Muhammed (saw) proves what?


    8. It is also written in the Hindus' books that 'kalki autar' will be

    strengthened and heavily helped by Bhagwan. And we know this fact that

    Muhammed (saw) was aided and reinforced by Allah (swt) throughHis angels in

    the battle of Badr.


    9. Hindus' books also mention that 'kalki autar' will be an expert in horse

    riding, arrow shooting, and swordsmanship. What Pundit Vaid Parkash comments

    in this regard is very important and worth attention and consideration. He

    writes that the age of horses, swords, and spears is long ago gone and now

    is the age of modern weapons like tanks, missiles, and guns, and therefore

    it will be unwise to wait for 'kalki autar' bearing sword and arrows or

    spears. In reality, the mention in our books of 'kalki autar' is clearly

    indicative of Muhammed (saw) who was given the heavenly book known as



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