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Everything posted by I_love_krishna_

  1. 1) kalki is born in Nepal. 2) kalki is born in Tamil Nadu. 3) kalki is a 24 year old guy in Andra pradesh India. 4) Kalki is muhammed. 5) kalki is not born but will be born in this century. 6) Kalki will not be born in this century and he will be born at the end of this yuga. but mahabharat says that kalki will be born to Vishnuyasa who is a brahmin scholar some place called sambala. It would be quite obvious for us to know who kalki is, because krishna always incarnates in his 2 handed form along with all his characteristics. People will treat him like a normal human being, but his identity will be obvious for his devotees.
  2. 1) kalki is born in Nepal. 2) kalki is born in Tamil Nadu. 3) kalki is a 24 year old guy in Andra pradesh India. 4) Kalki is muhammed. 5) kalki is not born but will be born in this century. 6) Kalki will not be born in this century and he will be born at the end of this yuga. but mahabharat says that kalki will be born to Vishnuyasa who is a brahmin scholar some place called sambala. It would be quite obvious for us to know who kalki is, because krishna always incarnates in his 2 handed form along with all his characteristics. People will treat him like a normal human being, but his identity will be obvious for his devotees.
  3. The danger of that happening in India and in that environment is close to null. That cannot happen in India. It may happen in western countries. Many social disorders occur in the west when compared to the east. I went to India to research into the effects of amygdala in social anxiety disorder. It turns out that they never had a social anxiety disorder case in the hospital. The doctors said there wouldn't be any cases to take data upon because it just does not happen in India... Same thing with this. It never happens in India.
  4. The danger of that happening in India and in that environment is close to null. That cannot happen in India. It may happen in western countries. Many social disorders occur in the west when compared to the east. I went to India to research into the effects of amygdala in social anxiety disorder. It turns out that they never had a social anxiety disorder case in the hospital. The doctors said there wouldn't be any cases to take data upon because it just does not happen in India... Same thing with this. It never happens in India.
  5. one question, are you saying you want to become one with God? __________ No, sandy wants to realize God and end the suffering of life/death. However, the focus is on realizing that there is God, but God is the self with in (in other words, Sandy's self= Everything) ... That is just another illusion until you realize that if you want to realize that self itself is God... then you will have to lose all individuality and merge into the supreme self thus dying... or ending your soul's existence.
  6. one question, are you saying you want to become one with God? __________ No, sandy wants to realize God and end the suffering of life/death. However, the focus is on realizing that there is God, but God is the self with in (in other words, Sandy's self= Everything) ... That is just another illusion until you realize that if you want to realize that self itself is God... then you will have to lose all individuality and merge into the supreme self thus dying... or ending your soul's existence.
  7. Yes loss of self is death, but that is the sort of end Sandy is looking for. I hope sandy realizes that it is death when she comes to such a point.
  8. Then you might want to go to this website www.yogavasistha.com Over there, you can buy a book called Vasistha Yoga... it is on Amazone. com too. It won't be in your local book stores though for an unknown reason. Take that book and read it. The speaker Valmiki, garauntees that you will reach the enlightened state at the end of that book.
  9. I could be a christian and still go to vrindavan. A true man of God would never ask one to take initiation from only his acharya. However, the true devotee of God may warn people from going the wrong way like prabhupada did.
  10. "There are other kids walking around that school feeling just as awkward as you feel - they have just learned the art of hiding it. That is the secret of their success." It is like a plague that strikes the "teenagers"... the smart ones stay away from it and concentrate on school rather than trying to get a cooler social circle/life.
  11. "There are other kids walking around that school feeling just as awkward as you feel - they have just learned the art of hiding it. That is the secret of their success." It is like a plague that strikes the "teenagers"... the smart ones stay away from it and concentrate on school rather than trying to get a cooler social circle/life.
  12. Yes , I agree with you. However, the link you have provided is not opening prabhu. Oh well thanks for the info though /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  13. Yes , I agree with you. However, the link you have provided is not opening prabhu. Oh well thanks for the info though /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  14. Madhavji : "one answer is: when will the world chose to act seriously to abolish the barbaric ideology from the face of earth? some progress is alredy made, but is not enough. wake up hidnus and HKs! jai sri krishna! -madhav" Me: Here is a good quote from Gandhi , I thought you would may be contemplate on its importance. Gandhi in Hind Swaraj: "In my opinion, we have used the term "swaraj" with out understanding its real significance. I have endeavoured to explain it as I understand it, and my conscience testifies that my life henceforth is dedicated to its attainment." Prabhu, I feelthat people will be much more comfortable sticking to Gandhi's philosophy. I am not saying we should not abolish the barbarism, we should... however, just doing the right thing is not important. What is important is doing the right thing in the right way. Gandhi's way works. It has worked with Martin Luther King who said : "If humanity is to progress, Gandhi is inescapable. He lived, thought and acted, inspired by the vision of humanity evolving toward a world of peace and harmony. We may ignore him at our own risk. " He did not ignore Gandhi's message and Gandhi did not ignore Henry David Thurow. It is time for us "Humans" to evolve into parts of a more peaceful and harmonious race. It can only happen through love and understanding ... this is the only way and Gandhi explains it quite clearly when he says : "None of us knew what name to give to our movement. I then used the term 'passive resistance' in describing it: I did not quite understand the implications of 'passive resistance' as I called it- I only knew that some new principle had come into being. As the struggle advanced, the phrase 'passive resistance' gave rise to confusion... I thus becgan to call the Indian movement "Satyagraha," that is to say the Force which is born of Truth and Love or non-violence."- Gandhi. Satyagraha is a vedic term. What I humbly request of you prabhu is to leave your hate for the other muslims and absorb the hate of muslims and give them love in return... in the end love will succeed as it had succeeded in every instance of Non-violence . The real swaraj is the self control from with in... to attain it you need satyagrah the path of truth and Non violence /images/graemlins/smile.gif .
  15. No one wrote the vedas, but the written texts that are available today are from the knowledge of the rishis thus making them the true authors by my view. However, your view may be different. I am not a great scholar whom you question... I am just a neophyte devotee trying to taste the sweetness of Sri Radha Krishna... (I am the author of Re: what is God)
  16. No one wrote the vedas, but the written texts that are available today are from the knowledge of the rishis thus making them the true authors by my view. However, your view may be different. I am not a great scholar whom you question... I am just a neophyte devotee trying to taste the sweetness of Sri Radha Krishna... (I am the author of Re: what is God)
  17. Hail to Prabhupada... This Ghost or whatever it is will never harm him. To Keith : Also consult Reiki people... I recommend this really great person called prita devi dasi... She does all the Reiki stuff. It may work. Could some one post the link to that Reiki Website...I would post it my self but I lost it. /images/graemlins/frown.gif But anyway, you can find more Reiki Gurus, they can help you too
  18. No power is greater than the power of the Supreme Being. Krishna/God is always with you no matter what, you have to recognize him to gain protection from these "demons" which you are saying are harrassing you. These demons are no match for krishna and Krishna is not different from his name. So chant HA RAY KRISHNA HA RAY KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HA RAY HA RAY HA RAY RAMA HA RAY RAMA RAMA RAMA HA RAY HA RAY. The demons and anything harrassing you will leave you alone. But anyway, Chanting will help you, but go see a doctor, this seems to be a psycological problem.
  19. If only I had a very powerful brain... like Einstein's brain or Shankaracharya's brain or atleast the desire like Meera's... My rememberance of krishna lasts from the moment I get up to the moment I put a brush in my mouth. Then my mind goes to this, to that , to why I need to go to class that day...
  20. As I have said it in my earlier post... the only way to gain such enlightenment is through the loving service to God. That means do everything you do for God and do nothing for yourself.
  21. The attainment of the everlasting happiness is called enlightenment. The only way to gain it is through the loving service to the supreme.
  22. Did not want to fight because of a selfish reason. He did not feel compassion over the idiot lives of Duryodhan and his brothers. He felt great love for the people like Bhisma (great devotee of krishna, Dharmic person and his Grandfather) , Dron-acharya ( His beloved teacher)... etc. He felt love for them and he thought losing them would be a great dishonor and great sin. He also says that it is better to beg these people for their blessings than fighting them. Krishna just makes him realize that the people who he thinks is fighting are worth fighting with, because they are siding evil and evil should be fought and defeated in any instance, it will be defeated in every instance at the end of that period. But the true battle is fought by krishna... who is also defeating the bad Living Entities and placing them under this world of Maya and taking good living entities to higher planets.
  23. If he can practice the religion peacefully with out going into fanaticism then it is not neccessary to give up Islam. I think if Islam concentrates more on Allah and his love, rather than how to destroy nonbelievers , then I think it is a valid religion.
  24. Prabhupada is right my friend, the true pleasure lies in service to God / others... the rest is all illusion. Illusion is only shattered with the spiritual awakening of one's true state. That is what you have done. Well.. good luck in reading Koran.
  25. The first Russian Astronaut was asked if "God" exists. He replied "No, I didn't see him when I went into space" /images/graemlins/smile.gif ! May be he should have seen an eye or something... atleast a hand throwing down people to the pits of hell and making the other's float into heaven.
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