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Posts posted by heidy

  1. I'm also going to be doing the Vipassana Meditation course for 10 days in Northern California...what do you think of that? Alot has changed for me since I realized that God is impersonal...I feel really good chanting the maha mantra...and definitely want to know the supreme personality of godhead...do u think I could mix the two? vipassana and bhakti yoga?

    Another question I had is...is it good or bad to get a tattoo...say perhaps of one of the mantras in sri isopanisad?

  2. I started with TM last August and it helped me a bit. Recently I had an ayurvedic consultation and the practiotioner was brahmin and he told me to chant the maha mantra. that same night i chanted for 20 min straight and didnt notice how time flew so quickly. My anxiety had gone and I had peace of mind. the next day all i could do was chant. i did it 3 times as well as two times of my tm mantra. after that...i noticed that all i wanted to do is chant the maha mantra...it became quite addicting. and suddenly i dropped tm yesterday...usually i would become very agitated if i didnt do tm but yesterday all i did was hare krsna and i was content...


    i think the mantra is very powerful and will definitely continue to use it.


    i dont look down on tm though because it helped me a bit and it brought me to the maha mantra as well.

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