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Posts posted by adtja

  1. I am expecting a daughter in February-march of this year. My doctor has decided to do a c-section due to medical reasons. She has given days between February 17-24 as possible dates. Birth will be in the morning between 8-10 am (central time zone). Place of birth will be Birmignham, AL(33N31, 86W48).


    Is one day better than the rest. of course the final decision will be based on any medical need or emergency. Thank you for your help.

  2. Thank you for your offer. Please advise.


    TIME OF BIRTH 2:42 pm

    DATE OF BIRTH april 27, 1960


    SEX female


    Your current status : at home

    Educational background: MBA

    Work Industry and current salary.


    Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember

    Came to US: august 1981

    Married: June 24, 1985

    Daughter born: May 4, 1998


    Family background

    Father : Business

    Mother : Service (retired)

    Brothers : 1 elder, 49 years, married, service

    Sisters : none


    When will my husband get another job. he has been trying for last 3 years.

    He does not know his time of birth.

    His DOB: January 12, 1958

    Place: Allahabad, UP, India


    Thank you.

  3. My husband has been trying to get a better job for last 3 years. He has had many informal interviews but no job offers. He is currently undergoing first phase of sade sathi.


    DOB: january 12, 1958

    Place: Allahabad, India


    He does not know his time of birth.


    Key events..

    Marraige: June 24, 1985

    Came to US: August 1981

    father passed away: November, 1999


    Please suggest some remedies. Thank you

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