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Posts posted by jayaram85

  1. Dear all,


    I am jayaram from chennai. I was born in 04-07-1985 at 5:16 pm. My lagna is dhanur and my lagna lord jupiter is Debilitated and retrograde. Whether is their any cancellation of debility in my ascendant chart. Since my lagna lord is weak, other people said that i will be facing lot of difficulties in my life. The second house for me is occupied by (jupiter and moon -Makar). My seventh place is occupied by (sun and mars-mithuna). Here my mars is in combustion with sun. My eleventh place is occupied by (exalted and retrograde saturn with kethu- Libra). So i am very much confused of these arrangement and i am unable to conclude to any particular decision. So i need your kind advices on this. People please explain me the effects and the necessary rites to do, inorder to overcome any ill effects if i have due to this planet arrangement.


    Thanks and Regards


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