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Posts posted by shalu

  1. hello sasisekaren ji,


    thanks for the reply.

    as per ur analysis mercury is not in her favour..when will its mahadasa end..can we hope some relief after that


    also what can be said about the relationship with her husband...things are pretty bad on that front...


    how can we avert these major issues...


    {husband's date of birth is 6th August 1946..i am sorry i dont know the time. will try to find that out

    place of birth is kota, rajasthan. her husband had a kidney transplant in 1999}.


    i can understand that diabetes cannot be cured now..all she can try is to keep it under control...however this can be possible only if her home situation is fine first


    is divorce on the cards....


    do u foresee an early demise...i am sorry for asking too many questions at a time but please do forgive me for that...our entire family is stressed out with her condition...she hasnt led a peaceful life in years




  2. Thank you for replying back..


    My aunt is an Msc, B. Ed in Botany..she was working as a teacher when she got married. Hers was a love marriage(although it does seem like love to any of us at all). Her husband works in the police. Married in Feb 1977.


    2 sons born April 1979 and April 1981.


    initially things were ok as long as she was working..then around 1993...1995 things changed forever for the worse..she got diagnosed with Diabetes(on insulin)

    she worked for a total 20years till1999...here husband had started abusing her when she mentioned she couldnt continue with her job

    a money minded person he is


    Now for the past so many years she is on insulin, sleeping pills antidepressants and what not.


    she has absolutely no emotional support from her husband or sons...elder son(1979) has recently been diagnosed with Diabetes!!!


    She talks of ending her life evryday.

    around August 2006..she had once left home and just went somewhere...nobody knows where...returned home after 4- 5 days. That episode shocked us all...and things came out in the open

    please do let us know when will her suffering end...


    we are afraid she might end her life

  3. Hello esteemed sirs,


    I would like some advice regarding my aunt's chart

    She has been going through hell for the last so many years.


    her details are:

    DOB 1st July 1953


    POB Kota, Rajasthan


    I am not certain about the exact time of birth...thats the closest i can provide you.


    Will it be possible to perform a horoscope analysis with this information...i can provide u her life details after I hear from one of you.


    Please do help us out..we shall be very grateful


  4. To the learned astrologers,


    Please look into my chart ...reagrding my career and life with my husband.

    I was supposed to go with him to australia...however due to some family tensions my trip has been cancelled....we were to go in Feb....


    do u forsee my joining him...what are my job prospects if i do join him...

    my birth details are


    Date of birth : 18 Oct 1975

    Time of birth : 10:55 am

    Place of birth : Daltonganj, Bihar


    please do reply as per your knowledge.

    thanking you


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