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Posts posted by sanjaydaisy

  1. Dear Sir,

    Hello, Can you Teach me Kundalini Yoga step by step online or by email, I promise I will definetely follow your rules, I tell you first, I know and practise of some yoga, and meditation.

    email - sanjaydaisy@.co.in





    DEAR p Kristina:<>



    1) Lessons: It is best to be taught by a teacher. Then you will know

    if you do the postures and breathing correctly, and if you pronounce the

    chants properly etc... Then you can practice on your own what you have been

    taught. So pay for at least for one lesson and ask in advance if the teacher

    wouldn't mind teaching a set that you already have access to. You will need

    to learn Sat Kriya eventually. When your system is ready to go the next

    level in strengthening your nervous system. It is hard to tell not having

    you in front of me if you are ready for it or not. I had a student whose

    nervous system was shattered he could not look at me in the eyes without

    feel a burst of energy he could not handle. For him: no breath of fire, no

    Sat Kriya. Start with slow breaths. Try inhaling through the curled tongue

    (if your genetic make up allows you to do this), curl your tongue like a

    straw and inhale, and exhale through the nose (It's called the Sitali

    breath: it is good for calming the nerves it is good for digestion and it is

    good for your 5th chakra and manifesting).


    Money has a way to come when you make the decision that you really want





    2) Kundalini Rising/light meditation with no yoga: Please don't

    meditate without doing yoga 1st! Because you have a sensitive nervous

    system: you must do the yoga before the meditation. Do the yoga gently and

    with total awareness as a meditation. The yoga will strengthen your nervous

    system. If you just do the meditation you will accentuate the imbalance you

    are already experiencing. Meditation may release energy your system may not

    be prepared to experience. I have heard too many cases of people trying to

    meditate without doing Kundalini yoga and it hurt them. You have to already

    have a strong enough nervous system to meditate.






    Awtar Singh


    Rochester, NY





  2. Hello, can you suggest me any book or site (illustration) for proper rules of activate Kundalini Chakras ?

    mail me - sanjaydaisy@.co.in

    Sanjay Arora




    DEAR p Kristina:<>



    1) Lessons: It is best to be taught by a teacher. Then you will know

    if you do the postures and breathing correctly, and if you pronounce the

    chants properly etc... Then you can practice on your own what you have been

    taught. So pay for at least for one lesson and ask in advance if the teacher

    wouldn't mind teaching a set that you already have access to. You will need

    to learn Sat Kriya eventually. When your system is ready to go the next

    level in strengthening your nervous system. It is hard to tell not having

    you in front of me if you are ready for it or not. I had a student whose

    nervous system was shattered he could not look at me in the eyes without

    feel a burst of energy he could not handle. For him: no breath of fire, no

    Sat Kriya. Start with slow breaths. Try inhaling through the curled tongue

    (if your genetic make up allows you to do this), curl your tongue like a

    straw and inhale, and exhale through the nose (It's called the Sitali

    breath: it is good for calming the nerves it is good for digestion and it is

    good for your 5th chakra and manifesting).


    Money has a way to come when you make the decision that you really want





    2) Kundalini Rising/light meditation with no yoga: Please don't

    meditate without doing yoga 1st! Because you have a sensitive nervous

    system: you must do the yoga before the meditation. Do the yoga gently and

    with total awareness as a meditation. The yoga will strengthen your nervous

    system. If you just do the meditation you will accentuate the imbalance you

    are already experiencing. Meditation may release energy your system may not

    be prepared to experience. I have heard too many cases of people trying to

    meditate without doing Kundalini yoga and it hurt them. You have to already

    have a strong enough nervous system to meditate.






    Awtar Singh


    Rochester, NY





  3. Jai Guru Dev.

    Dear Nice wrote but remember this thing - "Shishya Guru ko nahin Balki Guru Apne Shishya ko khud hi search kar lete hai" but don't stop your path, keep searching someone somewhere is made for you.


    Jai Guru Dev.






    I am glad to find a website, which tells you in and out of Vedas and Yoga.


    Well I was searching for a Guru in Hyderabad from years now but could not find one.


    Can anyone show me a Guru in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India?



    Aravind D

  4. Jai Guru Dev

    Thanks for giving here very important information for all, can you suggest me where I get - one simple ritual published in december 2003 page 66 of mtyv magazine.

    materials required : only one "madhuroopen rudraksh" --price=rs.120/


    and When next somwati amaavasyaa

    you can reply on my email - sanjaydaisy@.co.in


    Thanks & Regd.

    Jai Guru Dev

    Sanjay Arora




    this is the pitra dosh remedy i came across in a called


    some extracts as the rest is not relevant




    In your chart Pitru Dosh is there.

    9th house in a horoscope is called house of dharma,father.When 9th

    house is under influence of malefics,this shows the lack of

    fullfillment of paternal desire.Natural malefics like sun,mars,saturn

    may be yogakark for some lagnas,but rahu and ketu are always malefic

    for all lagnas. I have found that when 9th house,9th lord,9th house

    from the moon or the lord of 9th from the moon is under influence of

    rahu and ketu this indicates Pitru Dosh.

    Such natives are affected by disruption of


    Those who are physically and mentally handicapped have such

    affliction. In your chart both the 9th house and 9th lord is under

    influnce of rahu-ketu.This is definitely Pitra dosh.


    I am giving here very good remedy for Pitru dosh,this one time pooja

    can remove all pitru dosh. On any somwati amavaasya( when there is

    amaavasyaa and also monday) go to peepal tree,offer one janeu to

    tree and one to Lord Vishnu.Pray to tree and Lord Vishnu.Then do 108

    Parikrama of tree,with each Parikrama offer a sweet to tree.While

    doing Parikrama continuously chant the mantra " OM NAMO BHAGAWATE

    VAASUDEWAAYA".After doing parikrama again pray to peepal tree and

    Lord Vishnu and seek forgiveness.

    Somwati amaavasyaa pooja gives very quick result.Next somwati

    amaavasyaa is on 16th August 2004.




    One more remedy is to feed crows and fish with rice mixed

    with gee and made into balls on every Saturday.


    if anyone else has any issue with a sadhana pertaining to a somvati

    amavasya and/or pitru dosh please post it for benefit of all





  5. Jai Guru Dev

    Thanks for giving here very important information for all, can you suggest me where I get - one simple ritual published in december 2003 page 66 of mtyv magazine.

    materials required : only one "madhuroopen rudraksh" --price=rs.120/


    and When next somwati amaavasyaa

    you can reply on my email - sanjaydaisy@.co.in


    Thanks & Regd.

    Jai Guru Dev

    Sanjay Arora




    namaste & jay gurudev,


    pitr dosh is one of the biggest obstacle on

    the path to siddhi.success is almost not possible if one has pitr

    dosh in ones life(not true if u have obtained the grace of kali

    ma.if a person has siddhi in kali mahavidya there can be no other

    force in the entire universe which can be a obstacle to him or her in

    any sphere).

    but anyway pitras are our own anscestors who have been thrown into

    pretha yoni or any other lokas

    and as a result of this they become extremely restless and sad and

    expect to get mukti from that state through the karma of their

    succesors they are considered to be more important to a person than

    any other devathaas(excluding sadguru) as they will be having blood

    relationship with their successors.they are considered equal to

    gods.as this body ours has come into existance bcos of our

    anscestors,pitr dosha nivarann is considered to be a very important

    duty of a person.


    if the pitras are satisfied and happy with ur shradd(actions offered

    with shraddha) they can bring joy and clear ur path to success in all

    spheres.there are many rituals of pitr dosha nivarann which are

    published in mantra-tantra-yantra magazine.here's one simple ritual

    published in december 2003 page 66 of mtyv magazine.


    materials required : only one "madhuroopen rudraksh" --price=rs.120/-


    time :


    should be done only on pitra paksh(i dont know the exact dates may be

    somewhere around august ,other members please post it if u know)




    A madhuroopen rudraksh should be placed in a plate and the mantra "om

    namah shivaya" should be chanted 108 times looking at the rudraksh

    every day for 14 days.after that the rudraksh should be worn around

    the neck on amavasya.this will get rid of pitr dosha and pitras will

    certainly get mukti.




    , "devi_bhagat" <DEVI_BHAGAT@Y...>




    > this is the pitra dosh remedy i came across in a


    > .

    > some extracts as the rest is not relevant


    > _____


    > In your chart Pitru Dosh is there.

    > 9th house in a horoscope is called house of dharma,father.When 9th

    > house is under influence of malefics,this shows the lack of

    > fullfillment of paternal desire.Natural malefics like


    > may be yogakark for some lagnas,but rahu and ketu are always malefic

    > for all lagnas. I have found that when 9th house,9th lord,9th house

    > from the moon or the lord of 9th from the moon is under influence


    > rahu and ketu this indicates Pitru Dosh.

    > Such natives are affected by disruption of

    > education,employment,progeny.

    > Those who are physically and mentally handicapped have such

    > affliction. In your chart both the 9th house and 9th lord is under

    > influnce of rahu-ketu.This is definitely Pitra dosh.


    > I am giving here very good remedy for Pitru dosh,this one time pooja

    > can remove all pitru dosh. On any somwati amavaasya( when there is

    > amaavasyaa and also monday) go to peepal tree,offer one janeu to

    > tree and one to Lord Vishnu.Pray to tree and Lord Vishnu.Then do


    > Parikrama of tree,with each Parikrama offer a sweet to tree.While

    > doing Parikrama continuously chant the mantra " OM NAMO BHAGAWATE

    > VAASUDEWAAYA".After doing parikrama again pray to peepal tree and

    > Lord Vishnu and seek forgiveness.

    > Somwati amaavasyaa pooja gives very quick result.Next somwati

    > amaavasyaa is on 16th August 2004.




    > One more remedy is to feed crows and fish with rice mixed

    > with gee and made into balls on every Saturday.


    > if anyone else has any issue with a sadhana pertaining to a somvati

    > amavasya and/or pitru dosh please post it for benefit of all

    > gurubhais


    > jaigurudev

    > anu

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