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Posts posted by bsri83

  1. Ayush ji and Classic72 ji, thanks a lot for your suggestions. Books by BV Raman are excellent!!!. I have become his fan; for the way he writes :-).


    ppena ji, thanks a lot :-). I will definitely consider that book, considering Mercury is in the 10th house in my horoscope, I feel that might push me to read further :-) [something that i learnt recently :D ].



  2. Dear USRji,


    Great to see you back on the forum :-). Yes, you have cleared my doubts earlier.


    As, I have mentioned here, I wanted to know about a favorable period, to put my plan into action - that is all it sir.


    Sir, I was reading "Astrology for Beginners" by BV Raman and your earlier comments did make a lot of sense :-). Your way of writing things so clearly is awesome :-).



  3. Deepaji,


    Following are the books, i have referred.


    Predictive Astrology An Insight - Dinesh S.Mathur

    This book is quite exhaustive, but could not find examples.


    Predictive Stellar Astrology - KP.

    I got lost, while putting it all together. I could not understand topics related to cusps and it is used quite extensively in the examples :(.



  4. Hi All,


    I would like to learn about astrology, in particular horoscope reading. Could anyone of you suggest a few good books. I have tried two books one from Dinesh Mattur and another on KP system, but failed to understand the intricacies in the subject.


    Probably, I need a more basic book. Could anyone of you suggest one?




  5. Well, that's been my dream, and I believe, we live to realize our dreams :-). All I can do is put more effort in the right direction.. Thanks a lot for your time and effort. I sincerely appreciate it :-).


    I am sorry, i will trouble you with one more question. As per the time you have specified, I will have to start the course, in Sep 2010. So does my dream still hold good :-?.


    There's a part in my brain, which keeps asking - Should i ask such questions?[Like the one i have asked here.]. I should know myself better, and I should take my own logical decisions. And yes, there is another part of the brain, which is completely dejected, and really worried[since 2006, i am having the toughest part of my life.]. Please, dont think otherwise, this is just a dilemma, I am in. Probably, again the right question is - When should one go to the help of astrologers?




  6. Hi USRji and Deepaji,


    Please help me with this.


    I want to do higher studies (MBA) in US, and for the same, i have been struggling for the last two years. I am retaking the competitive exam this year. Could you please suggest me a good period to take this exam? Also should I pursue this dream of doing an MBA in US?? I have already spent a lot of time and money on this and really feel dejected.


    Please find the details of my information below:


    Rashi: Mesha

    Nakshatra: Bharani

    Time of Birth: 2nd August 1983, 14.26 PM.

    Place of Birth: Bangalore

    Occupation: Software engineer, working from June 2005.

    Gender: Male,

    Qualification: BE in Computer Science, graduated in the June 2005.

    Important Events:

    1. Met with an accident in August 2003[not sure about the exact date, could be b/w 8th and 12th of August], and ended up with a ligament tear in the left knee.

    2. Started working from June 10th 2005.

    Family Background: Have an elder brother, who got married in Feb this year. And currently i am staying with parents.


    Thanks and Regards,


  7. Dear USR sir,


    Thanks a lot for your valuable time and effort. After facing failures from the academic and personal front[on almost everything that i did], i was completely demotivated and dejected. Your response, has given me a ray of hope to keep my dreams alive and work harder to achieve the same.


    Your response has really touched me, and i hope, you continue to make a difference to a lot of people coming to this forum. I shall keep you updated on my progress :).


    Sri[dhar] :)....

  8. Dear USRji,


    Please find the details below:

    Gender: Male,

    Qualification: BE in Computer Science, graduated in the June 2005.

    Important Events:

    1. Met with an accident in August 2003[not sure about the exact date, could be b/w 8th and 12th of August], and ended up with a ligament tear in the left knee.

    2. Started working from June 10th 2005.

    Family Background: Have an elder brother, who got married in Feb this year. And currently i am staying with parents.


    Happy Ugadi to you sir :).



  9. Dear Sasisekaran sir,


    I greatly appreciate your response, thanks a lot for taking time and giving your suggestion.


    Sir, is it because of the current "chandra dasha", that i dont have an oppurtunity to travel abroad? Could you please throw somelight on this?


    Sir, could you also please answer my second question in the first thread?




  10. Hi,


    I had applied to US universities for an MBA in 2007 and 2008, but could not get any admits both times. I am really worried, and need your suggestion, whether, I really have the oppurtunity to study an MBA in US, according to my horoscope. I have really worked hard on my applications without any results :(. Please find the details of my information below:



    Rashi: Mesha

    Nakshatra: Bharani

    Time of Birth: 2nd August 1983, 14.26 PM.

    Place of Birth: Bangalore

    Occupation: Software engineer, working from June 2005.


    I am not sure whether i should apply[for MBA] next year[2009] or switch my job now and apply for the year 2010. I would also like to know when i would get married. This is my first post, and incase i have left out anything that is required, please do let me know


    Please help!



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