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Posts posted by tegramon

  1. In the west, there exists many different forms of yoga practiced. One of them is tantra yoga. The problem is that no master untill our times, recommended the tantra yoga in a s*xual, ero**c way. No master accepted that through the union of the man and women in a pure carnal way, one can see god. And in spite of this, many western school of yoga exist that preach this.

    My question is, is there any ancient text that implies or tells that through the union of male and female, one can achieve moksha, as many contemporary masters claim?


    We the small souls have always existed but that does not mean we had no source. We are caused by Krsna and our existence continues on the good graces of His will.


    The idea that the soul is eternal must be seen along with it's dependence on the existence and will of the Supreme Soul. The jiva is never fully independent at any stage conditioned or liberated.


    So we are just "slaves"? We are never free, conditioned or liberated?


    Time began when "God" made the first creation.


    From an unmanifest God came the first manifestation. Brahma, Krishna. Words are not so important as the idea represented. It was of the same substance as God, but has an identity of it's own. Much like how simple animals divide themselves to reproduce.


    This creation has all the powers of creativity as the source. It is from this creation that we were created from as humans. We would refer to this force as God, our creator. Likewise, we are of the same original substance, but in a much diluted form.


    We're mostly dirt, animated by a tiny spark of divine fire. We have in turn created the world around us that you see. Humanity lacks perception, and this is reflected in the way this world is constructed. Look around you. Humanity struggles with the simplist of things.


    This is a world of children. Baby gods. Who will someday grow up and return to their home. Their source. They'll leave their mud people dollies behind them when they do.






    I have read Sri Swami Sivananda who used to say we are actually "fallen" beacause we wanted to experience individuality, and neglected our "oneness". But I hard it quite hard to believe we would trade that for "this" life. In any case, what if the body was created by "other" children?


    No one created the soul, it's anaadi-nitya, meaning 'without beginning and eternal.' Body (and pretty much all of the created world) is created by Lord Krishna, so that the soul can do its sadhana with it.


    Which theory do you favor? Evolution or some "higher" intelligence made us? I mean this not in a religious way but in a scientifical way.



    Please let me teach you the path to enlightenment:


    First, I will ask you:

    'How do you know who your father is?'


    Second, I will ask you:

    'Can you know the answer by declaring your speculation or by submitting yourself to the authority of the precursor of your lineage?'


    Third, I will ask you:

    'What about all your bad karma and future bad karma? How do you account for your sins and the removal of sins that have brought you to the point of guru-ship?


    Certainly your level of yogic knowledge began in past lifetimes, yet, evidently, you are destined herein to be simply repeating the same dharmic duties without progressing yet to the path of moksa.


    Take my advise and read the below excerpt of a Bonefide-real-true Guru. It shall awaken you to the knowledge that "Absolute" truths are attainable and preferable and recommended and sought-out by sincere transcendentalists (since time immemorial).




    Sri Isopanisad Mantra 12 Purport:

    . . . Many philosophers and great åñis, or mystics, try to distinguish the Absolute from the relative by their tiny brain power. This can only help them reach the negative conception of the Absolute without realizing any positive trace of the Absolute.

    Definition of the Absolute by negation is not complete. Such negative definitions lead one to create a concept of one’s own; thus one imagines that the Absolute must be formless and without qualities. Such negative qualities are simply the reversals of relative, material qualities and are therefore also relative.

    By conceiving of the Absolute in this way, one can at the utmost reach the impersonal effulgence of God, known as Brahman, but one cannot make further progress to Bhagavän, the Personality of Godhead.

    Such mental speculators do not know that the Absolute Personality of Godhead is Kåñëa, that the impersonal Brahman is the glaring effulgence of His transcendental body, or that the Paramätmä, the Supersoul, is His all-pervading plenary representation.

    Nor do they know that Kåñëa has His eternal form with its transcendental qualities of eternal bliss and knowledge.

    The dependent demigods and great sages imperfectly consider Him to be a powerful demigod, and they consider the Brahman effulgence to be the Absolute Truth.

    But the devotees of Kåñëa, by dint of their surrendering unto Him and their unalloyed devotion, can know that He is the Absolute Person and that everything emanates from Him. Such devotees continuously render loving service unto Kåñëa, the fountainhead of everything.



    doing what I can to spread the amrita,



    Greetings Bhaktajan


    Thank you for your response. I am always open to discussions and this seems an interesting start. Now to try to answer your questions :


    1) Only by speculation and by mere glimpses during meditation where I lost all sense of individuality. But those moments were very rare and lasted seconds.


    2) Well, it's a mix of two. I can answer mostly by speculation since I do not have a real live guru although I am seeking. Though I must admit that I have great admiration for Swami Sivananda and read his works all the time.


    3) I never claimed I was a Guru. Nor I will claim since obviously I am not. I only shared what glimpses I had. I do not know my past lifes, except intellectually by observing me and taking a hint of where I gone wrong. I guess devotion and faith was/is not one of my strong points.


    I am bound to repeat my dharmic duties without achieving moksha? I am not a master of english, but I seek moksha, the end of all sorrows, freedom. I am seeking it and gradually working towards it. Slowly and without a Guru.


    Your below message was extremly uplifting, and it seems to me that the person who wrote it might be a Guru. I do not understood one thing though, what is the difference between "Kanea" and Brahman? And what is Kanea?



  6. Gita true?

    Why should one anyone care about this? Sattisfy your intellect? You dont need to believe in Gita to practice Asana and meditation. You dont need Gita for Traka. You dont need Gita for Samadhi. Asuming that your not a Bhakti Yogi. Let me give you this advice.

    I met a guy who was on a quest to challenge all spiritual believe. The main labrat was usually he (I declined, dont like to take part in spiritual revolutions :cool: ).

    So he changed his Mantra from ... whatever his Ishta Mantra was to "chocolate iceream". He used to repeat it day and night and day and night in Japa. He got the same result as with his Ishta Mantra.

    If you want the sum of all Yoga, here it is, at least of what I glimpsed by meditation :


    - The Divine Ray is burried deep within the mind.

    - In order to reach it, we must tear down old habits and reestablish new ones (here Yama and Nyama are of utmost importance)

    - In order to tear it down, man must resume to several tricks, since the mind itself is tricky. We know this tricks by the common names of Yoga Sadhana. One of this tricks, is faith expressed in the Gita or any other book.


    In the end everything is resumed to tear down mental conditioning that was given to from birth. Study Gita and all other scriptures, meditate on slokas, zen koans, sutra's, etc. You will reach the same conclusion. I have no doubt about this whatsoever.

  7. Discarding meat, spiritual sadhana, intellect in understanding holy books, I had them since I was a child.

    However, I dont necesarly believe in a god who is distant and commands everything. The more I study myself, the more I am amazed at the revelation that I am god. All those blissfull states by meditating near a river, or flowers, or whatever, they are in me, not given by the river and the flowers.

    How can I not believe in me? And how can you not believe in you? :cool:

  8. Has anyone steped back and looked at the phenomenon?


    Is it not interesting that people await the chance to die for their belief, religion, cult? Why not live for it?


    The user who said that the number does not matter is right. It does not belong to mathemathics. The mayans only observed the sky's and calculated with astounding precision the time when the sun will be in alignment with the core of the galaxy. I doubt that this will produce something awfull, we've survived a planetary alignment, nothing happend.

    Sad, but true.


    The "day" in the Doom Day is probably not a day at all. Is probably a period, like a "day" in the Biblical Genesis. The Apocalypse, carefully studied, reveals nothing more than the birth of christ in astronomical sequence. Nothing more, we were always have been masters of our destiny, more or less. The only problem is, as one user said, what if someone lights the fuse :)


    Well, it might be bad for your Rama bhakti and good for your Krishna bhakti. Maybe you are becoming attracted to Krishna as your ista-deva? It sure sounds like it.

    Well, I am attracted with the image when he hold his flute, however his mantra seems a little "foreign" to me. I would prefer Ram Ram Ram, maybe I should force myself to use the Krishna mantra's and his image. I will give it a try, I have nothing to loose whatsoever!

  10. Well, I need my Bhakti. Although I live very passionatly and my heart is wild, I also poses a strong intellect. This is the reason why I cannot decide on a mantra and asociate it with a god. I have problem choosing and I do not have a Guru, that's why I asked you, probably you are more advanced in Bhakti. I would like to combine somehow the heart and mind aspect into one single deity. I need Bhakti beacause it is hard for me to concentrate my mind on the absolute all in dhyana. So I need a prop as Sri Sivananda said, and this prop should be an idol. It helps me center my turbulent thoughts in one place.

    I should mention that I follow the Path of Yoga of Synthethis as Sri Sivananda layed it out, but I think it matters little. Yoga is yoga, God is God, in the end All is All.

  11. Hello,


    I have a question, would it be bad, if my mind is attracted to a certain mantra of Lord Rama however my mind would also be attracted to another image of Lord Krishna ... so would it be bad one would do Japa with the mantra of a Lord and Bhakti (at the same time) with the mantra of another Lord like Krishna?



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