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Posts posted by shiva2903

  1. Thanks for the response. I really respect your efforts in answering all the questions people post on this particular forum. Many people who practice devi worship refrain from sharing their knowlege because of ego.


    May Prabhu continue to guide you.

  2. Wow thanks so much. My mind was leading me to think that this diety was Kabir. This is really interesting to see how religion evolves with time.


    One pujari told me that this diety was metioned in both Devi Mahatmayam and Mariamman Thallatu. I have studied both texts and there is no trace of Naag, Naguran swami anywhere.


    Do people offer sacrifice to this diety as well? Furthermore, I have also heard this diety referred to as a Jinn (which is a spirit being in Islamic religion), have you heard of this as well?

  3. Diksha with rightly guided Guru is very important. Keep in mind your Guru need not be in the physical body. He or She can be an enlightened spiritual person who has alreadly left their body, like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.


    So have faith and seek diligently for that spiritual being who can open the door for you.

  4. hello, namaskar,


    Does anyone know anything about the deva, Naguran Swami.


    This diety is worshiped in many Mariamman, Kali Mai Mandirs throughout the diaspora.


    Please post some pictures of this deva if you have any too.


    Any information such as why is he worshipped, and how worship is done will be much appreciated.



  5. hello, namaskar,


    Does anyone know anything about the deva, Naguran Swami.


    This diety is worshiped in many Mariamman, Kali Mai Mandirs throughout the diaspora.


    Please post some pictures of this deva if you have any too.


    Any information such as why is he worshipped, and how worship is done will be much appreciated.



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