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Posts posted by ronitpf

  1. thank you all kind sirs


    Yes sir

    The divorce took place within 7 days..yes we were together for that short a period....


    I will be placing order for a ring with red coral..can you tell me in which finger and how many carat???



    and also will i ever get back with my ex husband ever in my lifetime?????


    for your reference his dob is 29th july 1968

    at Bombay at 12.56 pm in the afternoon


    will i ever meet him again???

    i would like to meet him and say lets bygones be bygones...


    please sirs last request to u !!!


    Thank you once again....



  2. Namaste Sir

    Sir, we met in May 2007 and had an arranged marriage in July 2007 on the 15th..we were together for a period from May...to July 23rd and then from 15th august to 6 february 2008.... he felt that i had became a depression patient and my weird behaviour was proof enough..what i cannot understand was my behaviour there which was so un believable i was not myself at all


    but i became normal when i reached my native place once again....i am back to my routine work....i teach here in Goa


    sir for your reference..

    the lady in question was related to my ex from his mom's side

  3. namaste

    thank you kind sir's

    yes the time of birth is as said by my mother...if it is correct..is there some kind of depression i am undergoing or was i a victim of black magic as i behaved that way only for the short time i was with my ex husband....i am going for puja and will start offering til oil on saturdays




    ps.. also the weird behaviour stopped when i restarted living in my parents house after the divorce....i was so weird that at times i cannot understand why i behaved in the manner i did which was so very very unlike me at all

  4. namaste respected sirs


    I have a weird fear..

    I am a confident female of 37 years staying in a joint family since birh..was married but divorced very soon...the reason i feel was my fear..


    my ex husband had a senior lady friend to whom he was emotionally very very attached...this led to me being isolated..a sense of loosing my man to someone whom he was so emotionally attached was unbearable...i became so isolated that all types of thoughts entered my mind...


    secondly i was very very fearful of his safety which made me behave very uncharacteristically..i started fighting with him...just so that he would not laeve me alone and go....

    i was a very very confident businesswomen who has seen lot of sickness in my family...


    i am now a divorcee..somehow i have dreading even talking to GOD who was my best friend as i could tell all my thoughts to him...


    i am not scared away from my ex husbad..


    please can one diagnose what caused my fears through my chart


    why did i fear so much at my ex's house

    was there black magic????

    was there some planetary indications

    please sirs' diagnose this problem so that i can get peace regarding my absolute uncharacteristic behaviour


    for your reference

    date of birth...15th march 1971

    at Bombay, Maharastra India

    time of birth...03.45 am approximately



  5. absolutely..spot on....

    now i will tell u the details

    i have been a pain in the neck or rather our case has been a pain in the neck at this forum....so many queries related to our situation..1st my ex spouse asks questions and then i ask...


    so finally i decided to pay someone and ask what the hell is the actual problem....

    all u learned people have been a great support.....lots of great learned peolpe here and giving all supportive answers....enjoy visiting this forum..lots of queries are answered here so thank god for u people


    i have a personal question..if it is ok with you can i ask it to u in a different way..a private message or something like that..an email or so..please tell me


    I paid an astrologer in bombay and spoke with him over the phone as i am based in GOA..and as such have no clue about good astrologers as i was a total non believer..but my case was so weird and sudden that i started asking questions and trying to get astrological clarifications for it...


    sometimes it helped and pacified me but another query immediately arose and i asked again...see sir, i am a very sensitive person and suffering from inferiority complex big time..i need a miracle or some good news now to be able to survive another day in this life..i already asked a question regarding my fears..if you can see...i asked USR Ji.....


    also some queries are related to the area where we are when somethings happen in our lifes and if we change areas is it different..


    such questions are there..please sir, tell me how to ask you..



  6. sir,

    my friend pooja prepared a free kundli (birth chart) something of mine at a website online i forget the name according to her,it is written there that my kundli shows either death of spouse,divorce from husband and death of the partner, divorce or complete absence of pleasure from the husband. In some cases, childlessness is also noticed


    can u tell me which one of this is true..i know divorce is true coz it has already happened...was my kundli dangerous for my husband...could something had happened to him...if so then, how can i contact him...


    i am so scared..even to phone him coz he though has said that he is worried about me on varoius occasions here,he has completely avoided being in touch with me so much so he has even changed his phone numbers...


    is is doing ok...is there anyway i can find out....i cannot sleep thinking that i am somehow responsible for the whole mess....

    please guide

  7. Namate..

    My exhusband is a member of this forum and i thought since he was asking and getting great solutions i thought let me too try as i have had a pretty sad life till date..

    My name and date of birth is already with many..but i will furnish it again as i need personal help


    My name:-Shabina Noormahomed Laljee

    DOB:-15th March,1971

    Time:03.45 am mumbai India



    i am in a fear psychosis since the age of 15..the fear of loss my mom was diagnosed with cancer, she was saved..thanks to allah, i had to take care of a 6 month old sister whom i raised as my child...

    I have seen my father go through a lot of financial crisis and i am a kind of person who takes all this to heart vey very deeply...

    have seen some very bad days....

    this improve and now 6 years ago..this stared getting from bad to worse

    my lil sister, was diagnosed with low immunity which the doctors could not even diagnose for 4 months..there was talks of it being luekemia too..those 4 months took a toll on my state of mind..i turned to meditation and prayers

    this were ok..

    and in 5 months my father suffered a very severe heart attack....that was worse..i sort of became very depressed...and

    then we had income tax people troubleing us,

    our landlord was troubling us we were in court for 1 year,we had to immediately buy a new house with loans,

    my father's eye was operated upon but the doctor spoiled the case and he cannot have clear vision with one eye

    My aunt who is like my second mom, suffered from ectopics of the heart with leakages and slip disc...

    my mom was diagnosed with cancer the 2nd time 2 years back....she is fine


    my brother lost his 4 day old baby(date of birth of baby 23rd may 2007 around 9 in the morning)


    my marriage lasted 7 months only..i was always afraid of something happening to him....(i need analysis for this big time too)


    what the hell is in store for me now


    why is god not giving me peace


    i am tired of life


    please can someone tell me whether i will ever be happy

    will i have a family of my own with children as i am now 37 years old

    which will not be broken and shaken


    i am so unhappy..please if some can help

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