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Posts posted by simex

  1. Namaste,


    In all of my studies, I have never found Sanatana Dharma to be in opposition to modern science. I'm really surprised to see people speaking about science in the same way that fundamentalist christians do.


    Whether or not scientists obsess over the minutae of the things they can observe, while ignoring the things they cannot, science is still real. The implications of scientific findings are certainly not written in stone, but the impirical findings are as close as anything can be.


    While evolution is a theory-- much like gravity is-- it makes predictions which we can test. For instance, try googling "long spurred orchid", and see how Darwin was able to predict, by way of his theory, the existence of yet undiscovered moths based on the existence of certain flowers.


    Similarly, Sanatana Dharma has made many claims which have later been confirmed by scientific findings. For instance, the cosmology of the Vishnu Purana (and perhaps it occurs in earlier scripture) is the only pre-scientific cosmology that has the correct interval of time between cycles of expansion and contraction-- it also predicted the idea of expansion and contraction.


    As for evolution...


    Most scriptural sources after 600 AD put the avatars of vishnu in a temporal order that is in keeping with evolution-- in a general sense.


    Fish (sea dweller) -> Tortoise (reptile) -> boar (basic mammal) -> half-man; half-lion (transitionary state between basic mammals and primates) -> and then a series of human avatars...


    Even the earliest account of the avatars of vishnu, the Mahabharata, doesn't put them in the wrong order, it just doesn't specify the order of the earliest avatars.


    I personally see evolution as a confirmation of Sanatana Dharma, not a detractor.


    People who are ignorant of Sanatana Dharma say that it is superstitious and irrational, please don't give them more ammunition by publicly displaying your ignorance of science. Learn, and you will see that the dichotomy between science and religion is, like all dichotomies, false. All is brahman; infinite and attributeless.


    Om shanti shanti shanti

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