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Posts posted by Jagadananda

  1. I guess it could just as well have been a preaching center. However, it was a large victorian house on McMillan Avenue only two blocks from the university. This would have been 1986-1988 or 89. I have no idea how long it had existed before I became aware of it. They had deities installed there as well. They held regular Sunday programs as well as sankirtans. At one time there were about 5 or 6 devotees living there. I can remember Chandramauli Swami, Srutadev dasa, another devotee who shares my name (Jagadananda),and African American devotee who seemed to have a perpetual broken leg, and several female devotees whose names I honestly do not recall. There were frequent visits from Kirtanananda Swami and Radhanatha Swami. After Kirtanananda Swami was removed from ISKCON it became a Interfaith League of Devotees center and quickly failed. There was one more attempt by Chandramauli Swami to set up the League at another local location, but by then the people who attended ISKCON activities were totally turned off to Kirtanananda Swami's methods.


    My friend Lee actually became a devotee when it was still ISKCON and lived there and at New Vrindavan for awhile.


    It was from there that I took a trip with the devotees to New Vrindavan myself.


    As for this being a good area for a temple, I have wanted to establish something here for a long time now. There are a few devotees here, but I think without the support of devotees from elsewhere with sankirtan parties, or initial help with programs it seems an overwhelming proposition.


    However, having said that I'm trying to do something in my home presently.


    Anybody care to help?


    Hare Krsna,

    Jagadananda Gauranga Dasa

  2. Priitaaji,

    PAMHO. Thank you so much for sharing. I guess I am trying to understand the mood, the atmosphere, in hopes of catching a fleeting glimpse of what it must have been like.


    And I truly apologize for not including my wonderful god-sisters, since I know that each of you have contributed so very much to Prabhupadas mission.


    My interest in the Cincinnati temple is due to the fact that this is where I first became interested and familiar with Vaisnavism. I was in the punk scene, and the devotees had such wonderful prasadam every Sunday. While at first it was just for the free food, I can testify to the fact that the prasadam has a purifying effect, since eventually I came to enjoy kirtan and studying Srila Prabhupadas books. I so desperately miss the association of the devotees.


    My memories of that temple are wonderful and uplifting, as I'm sure yours are of the early days.


    Again, thank you so very much for sharing with me.


    Hare Krsna,

    Jagadananda Gauranga Dasa

  3. I would be interested to hear my senior godbrothers memories of the early days in ISKCON. Particularly the day to day operations, functions,etc. How indepth was the teaching? How often did you engage in public sankirtan? What were the basic duties of the temple president? the pujari? How was your time spent each day?



    Also, if anyone can tell me anything about the history of the former ISKCON center in Cincinnati,Ohio that would be nice too.


    Thank you for your kindness and patience.




  4. I read at his official website that he is indeed to be released this year. I've also read somewhere that members of ISKCON have met with him to attempt a reconciliation. His disciples were asking him if they would have to wear dhotis and tilak if he did.


    I'm frightened for the relative stability of ISKCON if this is truly the case.

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