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Posts posted by prichn


    Namaste Coyoteji,


    The mukti yagna at LA this feb was really a great experience for me. It was a 7 day retreat attended by Indians, South Americans, Russians & Americans. As per your request, I would like to share some of my experiences with you.


    On the 2nd day of the retreat, Raniji performed a homa (fire ritual). All of us were sitting in a circle around the fire .The homa was performed at the terrace of the facility where the retreat was conducted. It was after 6pm in the evening & it was getting dark outside. In the middle of the homa, one of the attendee pointed to the moon in the sky(it was a full moon) & all of us saw a ‘spot-light’ circling around the moon. It was my first ‘visual’ miracle that I experienced . I don’t know how to describe the effect in words. After about 10-15 min, we saw 2 ‘spot-lights’ circling around the moon –one in the clockwise & another in anti-clockwise direction. It was an amazing experience. Being a graduate student & being in a ‘scientific’ world, I spent some more time in the terrace after the homa got over, trying to see if by any chance the ‘spot-lights’ that we saw could in any way be a flashlight/laser light etc being projected from the ground. I would like to say that I didn’t find any signs to doubt that it was anything other than a miracle.


    On the 6th day of the retreat, Raniji asked us to go to the terrace to do some ‘sun watching’. Ever since my childhood, I haven’t looked at the sun directly. My eyes used to hurt when I tried to look at the sun. However, on that day, I was surprised that I could clearly see the sun. My eyes didn’t hurt & I clearly saw the ‘outer circumference’ of the sun. It was then that I noticed the sun ‘dancing’. The sun looked like a ball of fire rotating in clockwise & anti clockwise direction. I couldn’t believe my eyes. After we returned from the ‘sun watching’ experience, Raniji asked us is we saw/noticed anything. I shared my experience with everyone. One another attendee said that she also saw the sun dancing. She couldn’t believe if she was dreaming & asked Bhagavan to give her a sign if it was really true. She said that immediately she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She looked around & no one was next to her while she was ‘sun watching’. Raniji then said that she too had seen it & she wanted us to also experience it & that’s why she asked us to go out & look at the sun.


    On the evening of the 6th day, we were to do a sweat lodge (temazcal). It was my first experience of being in a temazcal. When we stepped out of the temazcal, we were asked to lie down on the ground & hug mother earth. When I was doing so, I felt a heart beat on my palms. I didn’t know what was happening & wondered if I was feeling my own heartbeat on my palms !!!! I asked Bhagavan to give me a sign if what I was experiencing was really true & I changed my position on the ground. I didn’t feel anything on my palms for a while, then again I could feel a heartbeat on my palm. It was then than I realized that it was the heartbeat of mother earth. Believe me, if I hadn’t experienced it, I don’t know how much I would have believed it if anyone had told me about it. I didn’t know what it meant & shared my experience with everyone in the group.


    On returning home, when I was sharing the heartbeat experience of mother earth with my friend’s mom in India, she told me that she had heard that if one experiences the heart beat of mother earth, it symbolizes the attainment of mukti. I haven’t heard of any other explanations for these experiences that I had. If anyone could offer some insights, they are welcome.


    I would like to add that the above mentioned experiences are what I experienced. Anyone could debate regarding the authenticity of the experience. As Bhagavan says, “Experience things & it would become YOUR truth”.


    Namaste Coyoteji,


    The mukti yagna at LA this feb was really a great experience for me. It was a 7 day retreat attended by Indians, South Americans, Russians & Americans. As per your request, I would like to share some of my experiences with you.


    On the 2nd day of the retreat, Raniji performed a homa (fire ritual). All of us were sitting in a circle around the fire .The homa was performed at the terrace of the facility where the retreat was conducted. It was after 6pm in the evening & it was getting dark outside. In the middle of the homa, one of the attendee pointed to the moon in the sky(it was a full moon) & all of us saw a ‘spot-light’ circling around the moon. It was my first ‘visual’ miracle that I experienced . I don’t know how to describe the effect in words. After about 10-15 min, we saw 2 ‘spot-lights’ circling around the moon –one in the clockwise & another in anti-clockwise direction. It was an amazing experience. Being a graduate student & being in a ‘scientific’ world, I spent some more time in the terrace after the homa got over, trying to see if by any chance the ‘spot-lights’ that we saw could in any way be a flashlight/laser light etc being projected from the ground. I would like to say that I didn’t find any signs to doubt that it was anything other than a miracle.


    On the 6th day of the retreat, Raniji asked us to go to the terrace to do some ‘sun watching’. Ever since my childhood, I haven’t looked at the sun directly. My eyes used to hurt when I tried to look at the sun. However, on that day, I was surprised that I could clearly see the sun. My eyes didn’t hurt & I clearly saw the ‘outer circumference’ of the sun. It was then that I noticed the sun ‘dancing’. The sun looked like a ball of fire rotating in clockwise & anti clockwise direction. I couldn’t believe my eyes. After we returned from the ‘sun watching’ experience, Raniji asked us is we saw/noticed anything. I shared my experience with everyone. One another attendee said that she also saw the sun dancing. She couldn’t believe if she was dreaming & asked Bhagavan to give her a sign if it was really true. She said that immediately she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She looked around & no one was next to her while she was ‘sun watching’. Raniji then said that she too had seen it & she wanted us to also experience it & that’s why she asked us to go out & look at the sun.


    On the evening of the 6th day, we were to do a sweat lodge (temazcal). It was my first experience of being in a temazcal. When we stepped out of the temazcal, we were asked to lie down on the ground & hug mother earth. When I was doing so, I felt a heart beat on my palms. I didn’t know what was happening & wondered if I was feeling my own heartbeat on my palms !!!! I asked Bhagavan to give me a sign if what I was experiencing was really true & I changed my position on the ground. I didn’t feel anything on my palms for a while, then again I could feel a heartbeat on my palm. It was then than I realized that it was the heartbeat of mother earth. Believe me, if I hadn’t experienced it, I don’t know how much I would have believed it if anyone had told me about it. I didn’t know what it meant & shared my experience with everyone in the group.


    On returning home, when I was sharing the heartbeat experience of mother earth with my friend’s mom in India, she told me that she had heard that if one experiences the heart beat of mother earth, it symbolizes the attainment of mukti. I haven’t heard of any other explanations for these experiences that I had. If anyone could offer some insights, they are welcome.


    I would like to add that the above mentioned experiences are what I experienced. Anyone could debate regarding the authenticity of the experience. As Bhagavan says, “Experience things & it would become YOUR truth”.

  3. Dear Dharmaji,


    I'm Priya from Mississippi. I read your articles about Bhagavan. I wish to let you know that I also didnt believe in Bhagavan until a few years ago.I used to address him as Kalki & not as bhagavan as thats the way i felt then. Only when i had no choice, I prayed to him to grant me a few things that I needed. From then on, i've always got what i needed- mind you, not what I wanted but what I needed. He also made it possible for me to attend the Mukti yagna at LA during feb '03.

  4. Dear Dharmaji,


    I'm Priya from Mississippi. I read your articles about Bhagavan. I wish to let you know that I also didnt believe in Bhagavan until a few years ago.I used to address him as Kalki & not as bhagavan as thats the way i felt then. Only when i had no choice, I prayed to him to grant me a few things that I needed. From then on, i've always got what i needed- mind you, not what I wanted but what I needed. He also made it possible for me to attend the Mukti yagna at LA during feb '03.

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