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Posts posted by Rascal

  1. I can use the same words towards Prabhupada what you use towards Saibab. And the fact is , it is all started by Prabhupada. My whole point is that. Why in this whole world is his business to judge anybody and then use words like Rascal. And speeking god being "Ugly" do you think god was handsome when he took the form of Pig (Varaha)? If god needs to be beautiful, Brad Pitt can be god or Aishwarya Rai can be mother Durga.

    I hope you are a Vishnava at leaset to know who is varaha.

  2. What is the problem with all the Vishnavas including the Prabhupada (Prabhupada loves the word Rascal a lot, isn’t it?) I used to respect him very much until a moment ago. Just today I read his comments on Sai Baba. Then I thought it is no offense to Krishna if I use the word Rascal to Prabhupada. Because he never hesitated to use this word against SaiBaba. When Saibaba never said a single derogatory comment against any Vishnava why do they want to say things to him. What harm is he causing to you all. Is it his fault that an atheist like me after seeing him just once from far totally transformed and started going to temples, praying, respecting Vaishnavas and hosting them and hosting Bhajans?

    Christians and Muslims do not accept Krishna as god, they say that Krishna is a pervert, a thief etc. They say Shiva Linga is a sexual organ of Man and Woman. Can you tell them that Bhagavatam is the only Sastra and not Bible or Koran? In Bible or Koran (they are Sastras for them like Bhagavatam or Shiva Puran for us!) Krishan/Chaitanay/Shiva was never mentioned. Dose it mean that Krishna is not god? Similarly, if few Vishnavas do not accept SaiBaba as god it does not matter to him or to his devotees. Saibaba is not a Rascal or his devotees. I can sing Krishna Bhajans better than many of you Vishnavas, I can chant more rounds than any of you. This is all because of Sai Grace. The only difference is Saibaba never criticized anybody nor taught me to say bad words.

    Prabhupada used the word Rascal when refereeing to SaiBaba. Such a shame on him. He should have at least respected him as a saint. If SaiBaba committed a sin by saying he was god, Prabhupada committed even a bigger sin by calling him Rascal. Because all the ISKON people and other Vishnvas stared saying all sorts of things to him with out even thinking if they are qualified enough to say things to him. After all he dwells and preaches love for god all the time. Be it Krishna’s Bhajan or Shivas Bhajan or Jesus Bhajan. He always talks about Vedas, Krishna, Bhagavatam., Ramyan. Which part of it makes him a Rascal? Is it that he tells “Love all Serve All” that makes him a Rascal? “God is Every Where , learn to see him in his might” is it that makes him a Rascal? Or he teaches Bhajan “Murali Gana Lola Nanda Gopa Bala” is it that makes him a Rascal?

    When Gopikas can give their CharanRajj to Krishna as ointment for his headache what problem dose it create to say that Krishna and I are one and same. What type of love I or SaiBaba do not have for Krishna that Gopikas had. I am even better than Goipkas. Krishna once left Goipkas but he never leaves me. you and take away all your name fame power

    Wake up Guys. You created so many cults in your own religion. If a Muslim tells you that Allah is the only god, Mohammed is the last guru and Koran is the only Sastra, you guys urinate in your lungis and nod your heads. Then you come back and say things to your own religious leaders. Wake Up Wake Up. What a fool Prabhupada was, in spite of coming from the same religion, he did not accept any thing other than what he thought was right and built an empire. He expected people from other race and religion to obey him and his preaching. What happened? They just poisoned him and sacked all of it. Even Krishna did not come to rescue. (I have seen his video, what a pitiful death)If he had not criticized SaiBaba or other personalities may be Krishna would have come to his rescue.

    If any body criticizes SaiBaba or me they will meet the same fate as Prabhupada. A bunch of goons will poison and murder . . This is a curse from a SaiVishnava..

    SaiKrishna, forgive me for writing like this against Vishnavas. But I could not hold myself.

    All ways in Krishna’ Service

    KrishnaPriya Dasi

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