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Houses in Divisional Charts /Bhavas Vs Rashi /Shri Prasad

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Dear Shri Prasad


Kindly address without a ji.Thanks for the valuable questions.


There are aadhara and aadheya tattwas.Rashis and its divisions,

nakshathras and Grahas are the adhara tattwas.

Rashis are the 12 signs from Aries to Pisces.Adharas are

constant.Rashis and nakshathras are permenantly adahhara while grahas

are Gochara based .


Now bhavas or houses are Aadheya tattwas.Adheya is like

variables.Bhavas are twelve bhavas starting from Tanu and ending in Vyaya.


For example - let us take two individuals with Aries and Taurus

Asendant.For one individual Aries becomes Tanu bhava while Taurus for

the other.


On the other hand irrespective of what bhava it represent, Rashis have

their own properties.It is constant.

This is the basic we have to understand - Bhavas and Rashis ,though

are having similar borders and boundaries, convey different meanings.

You have asked me division of houses and division of signs.Houses

don't have divisions.Rashis or signs do have.

Let me make it clear -It is not my school of thought ,but the thought

of Parashara.


Divisions of Rashis are Kshethra ,Hora

,Drekkana,Chathurthamsha,navamsha etc.Varga as i understand is a group

- shadvarga - dashavarga - shodasha varga etc.They are grouping of



Now 12 bhavas can explain every aspect of an individuals life .Each of

these 12 bhavas represent numerous things.

One should not mix these bhavas of a Jataka with Rashis or divisions

as it is a common factor for the Jataka.


You had asked me about division of Lagna - Lagna as you have said has

a degree.


Let us take an example - Lagna of A is placed in 3 degrees of Aries.

Each signs has got divisions- so does Aries.


Kshethra - Kuja Kshethra,Mesha Rashi.

Hora - As it is in the first half of odd sign - Surya Hora

Navamsha - Aries navamsha ,Aries Rashi


Now take B - Lagna placed in 3 degrees of Taurus.



Kshethra - Shukra ksethra,Vrishabha Rashi

Hora - Chandra

Nvamsha - Makara navamsha,Vrishabha Rashi


If you note them carefully - You will understand that two diffrent

signs Aries and Taurus represent the same Tanu Bhava.But the rashis

have difference in division.

The first 3degrees 20 minutes of Aries has been given to Mars while

Shani is the lord for the same in Taurus.

Thus each sign has divisions which are constant.Based on the degree of

planets and Lagna we find their individual divisions.


I hope you have understood what i mean by division of Lagna and

planets and also the difference between Bhava and Rashi.



To analyse bhavas,one has to see the the placement of bhava lords in

various divisions of a Rashi.Navamsha too is a division.

After seeing 7th house and its lord one can see its position in

navamsha when thinking of spouse.

Also Navamsha position can be checked for any bhava lord or

lagna.There may be numerous ways to use divisions - but we are not

aware of all of them at the moment.

If it is clear for you - during another occassion we can discuss a

chart.Also pls read the 3 mails which i had sent ,3 days back.










vedic astrology, "vvootla" <vvootla@g...> wrote:


> ** aum namo bhagavate vasudevaya **


> Namaste Pradeep ji,

> I had been following this debate of what constitutes a varga,

> varga chart and its interpretation and use for the astrological

> predictive purposes. I'm yet a novice and am genuinely interested in

> knowing the arguments on all sides. However, while I did understand

> Shri Narasimha's take on this, I'm yet to understand yours. I'm not

> sure if my basics aren't enough for this or your explanations are not

> very clear. I'm really trying to appreciate your view point or any

> other point on the vargas. In this regards may I ask you to explain

> to me from basics or first-principles as they call it. Some of the

> questions, I'm looking for clarity are

> 1) What is your definition of a varga? What do you mean by vargas are

> not charts?

> 2) What is 'division of lagna' as opposed to 'division of house'?

> 3) Lagna acc to my understanding is the rising sphuta, how can it

> have further divisions? Do you mean the house of lagna is divided? If

> so, isn't this division of a house?

> 4) Also, does your argument that Vargas are divisions of lagna mean

> that we are only concerned with the signs where lagna falls in the

> various vargas and not anything else from those charts? i.e planets

> in other signs of the varga, the houses etc.

> 5) According to your school of thought, what is the way in which

> vargas need to be used, if at all, in the astrological

> reading/prediction.

> 6) Are you implying that Navamsa is an exception to other vargas if

> so in what ways? Besides Rasi and Navamsa, what are the other vargas

> that needed to be looked into and for what specific aspects of native

> do we need to look at those?

> 7) If possible, can you take an example of a native's chart and any

> one area say career or marriage or progeny and go though the steps

> involved in reading his Rasi, Navamsa or any other vargas you may

> want to use or not use and explain that area of the native. I'm not

> looking at the predicitive ability yet.. so you can use the chart of

> a known native for making me understand your point of view.


> I'm currently not affiliated to any group and I'm posting this coz

> after many posts on this debate, I'm yet so confused on your take and

> hence a detailed response from you is appreciated.

> thanks and regards

> -Prasad

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