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Dr. Jan Brzezinski (Jagat) exposes Bhaktivedanta Swami

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This is from the writtings of Dr. Brzezinski (Jagadananada das) on the subject of Bhaktivedanta Swami as found on the interent:


I fail to see why that surprises you. The HK organization was supposed to provide the fastest, most reliable means of association with God. When that didn't happen, the people who were really interested in God left, and those who wanted a refuge from reality, including those who wanted a cult where they could manipulate people and submit them to their own will, remained. This residue, of course, contains all sorts of people, but those of genuine spiritual interests will be absent. From what I see, HK organizations - not only ISKCON - resemble a forcefully animated corpse, which lacks inner life. The positive idea died at the moment when Prabhupada's concept of spiritual life failed to meet the tests of reality; the rest was merely a cult in the process of decomposition, supported now only by the blindest of fanatics. The fact that some of those fanatics support very strange beliefs, is not that surprising. Also sad, but not surprising, is the fact that this development is common in all religions. Genuine interest in spiritual matters is so rare in this world, that it would be illusory to expect the masses to gather around it.


However, when I look at Prabhupada's books, and see him advertise his method as the only yoga suitable for the world of today, as the fastest and best method of self-realization, and then I look at what came of it - delusion, ego-trip, sexual deviations and all sorts of kooks, I can see it all only as a shameless piece of false propaganda.



Admin5: As noted below, this is not an article by Jagat. This is a misrepresentation by the "guest" poster.

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Dear Prabhus,


This was not my post, but a copy of something written by Danijel Turina. Danijel is Slovenian, I believe, and once took an interest in Krishna consciousness. He has become critical of Vaishnavism, in particular the Iskcon variety.


I am not supporting his position, but I think it is important that devotees realize the consequences of taking positions such as the one I am protesting against. That was my point. I am not necessarily approving the above post.


But, I must say, that the person who did post the above, is furthering his love affair with me on another forum. For those who do not frequent that cesspool of his and 's making, I will quote what he has to say about anti-Semitism:<blockquote>Vaishnavism is inherintly anti-semitic inasmuch as Vaishnavism declares that we can only approach God through his devotees like Jesus. The Jews however think that they can approach God directly without going through his representatives. This is undoubtedly anti-Vaishnava and therefore makes Vaishnavism as anti-semitic as it violates all the laws of pancharatra and Bhagavata-marga.




It is a known historical fact that the Jews crucified the devotee Jesus. Your claim of "innocence" does not correspond to the facts.


Whether or not decendents of Jews joined the Hare Krishna movement and secured leading positions and then killed Prabhupada is still a bit dubious, but there is some evidence that tends to lead to that conclusion.


All you so-called Jew devotees are good examples of how hardened and belligerant is the ego of the Jews. Even after becoming Hare Krishna devotees you still want to maintain this ignorant bodily identification of being "Jew" based upon ancestry even though you have never been a practicing Jew a day in your life.


This arrogance and impudence is exactly why a lot of people don't have any love for Jews. saying "I am Jew" is no better than the pig in the wallow saying "I am pig".

What ever happened to "I am spirit soul, part and parcel of Krishna"?


This "I am Jew" crud is very unbecoming and repugnant for somebody who is posing as a Hare Krishna devotee. </blockquote>Do you devotees agree with this? Apparently yes. Someone suggests that free speech means we should debate issues of this sort. Come on, folks. This is not like debating the hollow earth theory. There is something very nefarious going on here.

admin5:edited to remove specific names

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Dear Jagat, The first post here is a copy of the body of the post which you made on another thread, in which you had clearly put Danijel Turina's name in the subject header and given his name and URL at the bottom. Since you had done that in the guest mode, we did not know it was you who had posted it (as a sample of what others may think). Thinking the statments in it were a bit harsh and unproductive, we removed that post , as our policy is that with the guest posting feature: "we will be extremely strict on moderating guest posts. Things that we would allow with registered members, we may not allow by guest posters". We have apologized for that in this thread . Before we removed your post, someone copied it and later reposted it here, and back into the original thread you had put it in, with different subject header and, in one case adding your signature, to make it appear that you had written the article. We hope this helps clear things up.

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The ip for the "guest" who started this thread has had his ip banned for twice trying to misrepresent that article, here and in another thread, as being written by Jagat, as Jagat has explained that he did not write the article.

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