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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 20-2004

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Published Bi-Weekly

Issue 20/2004


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September 9, 1918: Dasa Ganu wrote " Sri Sai Sthvana Manjari" at

Maheswaram on the banks of the river Narmada.


September 28,1918: Nathpanth Saint Rama Maruthi of Kalyan passed



September 29,1952: " Kalash" of gold was fixed on the spire of

Samadhi Mandhir.


Bhadrapada 1910: H.H Gajanan Maaraj of Shegaon left his mortal coil.

At the same time Shirdi Sai Baba grieved profusely and said " Hallo!

My Gajanan is gone".


Bhadrapada 1922: Mahalsapathi passed away on 11-09-1922.






These messages are the outcome and essence of the dream sequences of

Saibanisa as given by Lord Sainath, which reflect the Sai Philosophy

and his high thinking. They carry a sense of deep meaning and are

generally thought provoking, enough to set one's thinking process.

Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


136) 12th September, 1993: People in powerful positions committing

good and bad deeds are equally recognized by the society. Whereas as

an ordinary person's good deeds are seldom noticed. Therefore

discriminate between good and bad, always opting for good.


137) 28th September, 1993: For those intending to join the school

of "SAI" there are no prerequisites like age religion, caste etc.


138) 2nd October, 1993: The food served at the obsequies of a great

soul who lead a balanced and meaningful life is far superior

to "PRASADHAM" offered in temples without devotion.


139) 8th October, 1993: My photograph may appear as your favorite

incarnation of God or a film star, at times may also look like

Beeshma in Mahabharat. Can you guess what my age is?


140) 25th October, 1993: However, costly the vegetables may be, they

need to be boiled and cooked before consumption for better

digestion. Irrespective of your religion, the practice of the

teachings is a must to realize the "SUPREME".



Madhusudhan Nori, Hyderabad, India





Letter – 45 (Chapter 48)

Dear Chakrapani,

Sri Hemadri Pant described in this chapter Sri Sai's philosophy and

HIS love for HIS devotees. By virtue of our good deeds in previous

births we get such a Sadhguru (good preceptor). Importance of Love

has been very beautifully explained in this chapter. Once in a

while I get a feeling how can one claim to be Sri Sai devotee if you

cannot love your neighbour? This question is not addressed to any

one in particular. It is enough if each individual puts this

question to self and contemplate on it. If your conscience gives an

answer to this question that "Yes I do love my neighbour." then you

earn Sri Sai's grace. There is no dispute on this score. The

confident words uttered by Sri Shevade to his fellow students – "I

have complete faith in HIM. His utterances will never become untrue.

I will undoubtedly pass the examination", as stated in this chapter

are also inspiring confidence in me. Each Sai Bandhu (devotee), when

faced with a difficult situation in his / her life, would pray with

pure mind to Sri Sai and would rise up victoriously from that

situation. There is only one prayer that I have submitted to Sri Sai

with pure mind – "I wish to breathe my last breath on a Thursday at

the feet of Sri Sai". You may feel bad about this wish of mine.


This is a test for Sri Sai and me. I believe that I will succeed

with Sri Sai's grace. You will have to stand as a witness to this

belief of mine and it is for Sri Sai to grant victory (fulfillment

of wish). While doing daily devotional reading, I came across the

following message of Sri Sai in this chapter – "These feet are old,

they are divine. Your tribulations are over. Have full faith only in

ME. Your wish will be fulfilled". I got ready to leave for my

office. At that time a person arrived shouting telegram. A thought

occurred in me that the contents of that telegram are blessings of

Sri Sai, as I have read the message –"Your wish will be fulfilled"

this morning during daily devotional reading of Sri Sai Satcharitra.

The telegram contained the message that an alliance for your elder

sister Hemalatha has been fixed. The meeting between the prospective

groom, his family members, your elder sister and us took place

couple of days ago. I wished that this match be finalized for the

wedding to be solemnized. I read Sri Sai's message this morning and

then the telegram arrived announcing approval of the match by the

groom's side. Is not all this a Sri Sai Leela (divine happening)?

Pause and think once about the sequence of events. Both your elder

sister and myself have earnestly prayed to Sri Sai seeking HIS help

in this alliance. Sri Sai has heard our prayers and has fulfilled

our wish. At this happy moment I bow once more to Sri Sai.

In service of Sri Sai,

Your father.









12 Sep 2004 07:03:36 –0000

Sai Ram. Baba always used cryptic words to convey profound truths,

so that only those who were blessed enough will understand the

meaning and others will not. Many times, devotees realized only much

later the significance of Baba's remarks. "Then after some time when

Baba returned, and preparations for the noon-Arati were being made,

Bapusaheb Jog asked Moolay Shastri, whether he would accompany him

for the Arati. He replied that he would see Baba in the afternoon.

Very soon Baba sat on his seat, was worshipped by the devotees and

Arati commenced. Then Baba said - "Get some Dakshina from the new

(Nasik) Brahmin." Booty himself went to get the Dakshina; and when

he gave Baba's message to Moolay Shastri, he was surely perplexed.

He thought in his mind thus: "I am a pure Agnihotri Brahmin, why

should I pay Dakshina? Baba may be a great Saint. I am not His

dependent." Sai Ram. This is the working of Moolay Shastri's ego,

which divided him from his Guru and from Sai. I am pure, I am a

sinner.... all these are the workings of the ego, which wants to

stay, separate from the One from whom it came, not realizing the

unity of the whole. Sai organized such dramas and help us to realize

our true nature which is not different from that of Sai.


"But as a great Saint like Sai Baba was asking for Dakshina through

a millionaire like Booty, he could not refuse. So leaving his

routine unfinished, he started forthwith with Booty to the

Dwarakamayi. Thinking himself of being holy, sacred and Dwarakamayi-

otherwise, he remained at a distance while joining his hands, threw

flowers at Baba. Then lo! All of a sudden, he saw no Baba on the

seat, but saw his late Guru Gholap Swami there." Sai Ram. What a

beautiful leela? What a wonderful way of teaching exotic spiritual

lessons to ordinary souls like us? Baba's cryptic prophecy that He

would don safron colored robes that day was fulfilled! "He was

wonder-stuck. Could this be a dream? No, it was not, as he was wide

awake; but though awake, how could his late Guru Gholap be there? He

was speechless for some time. He pinched himself and thought again,

but could not reconcile the fact of his late Guru Gholap being in

the Dwarakamayi. Ultimately, setting aside all doubts, he went up,

fell at his Guru's feet and then getting up stood there with folded



Sai Ram. Whenever I read this story it brings tears to my eyes.

Tears of sorrow that we too are struck in the mire of ignorance

because of our ego. Though Moolay Shastri studied the Six Shastras,

he did not study Vidhya, the knowledge that destroys the ego. In

fact all worldly knowledge is classified as Avidhya, the ignorance.

Only that which snaps the bondage of ignorance, which keeps us tied

to the wheel of karma through the seeds of desires, is truly called

Vidhya. Baba took pity on Moolay Shastri (especially since he was

already a good disciple of a great guru Gholap Swami) and thereby on

similar ignorant folk like us by showing Moolay shastri- the Oneness

of the Moolam i.e. root. Moolay probably is derived from Moola,

which in Sanskrit stands for Root as the root of all is the Para

Brahman, and the root of all this visible Samsara is Maya. Moolay

Shastri was indeed fortunate. Being a Guruputra of a great Guru, and

being a staunch follower of Dharma, he was rewarded by this great

vision. "Other people sang Baba's Arati, while Moolay Shastri

chanted his Guru's name. Then casting off all pride of caste and

ideas about sacredness, he fell flat at his Guru's feet and closed

his eyes. When he got up and opened his eyes, he saw Baba asking for

Dakshina. Seeing Baba's blissful form, and His inconceivable power,

Moolay Shastri forgot himself. He was extremely pleased, his eyes

were full of tears of joy. He again saluted Baba and gave the

Dakshina. He said that his doubt was removed and that he saw his own

Guru. On seeing his wonderful Leela of Baba all the people,

including Moolay Shastri, were much moved, and they too realized the

meaning of Baba's words, "Bring Geru, we shall don saffron-colored

garment." Such is the wonderful Leela of Baba."


Sai Ram. We too are fortunate in that we are firmly holding on to

Sai's lotus feet to cross the Ocean of Samsar. So tears of sorrow

will be converted to tears of joy if we catch hold of Sai's feet

firmly and like Moolay Shastri prostrate at Sai's feet.


We shall round off this Chapter in the next issue, where we shall

see how Sai showed His oneness with God Rama. Sai Ram. -


(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

"Shashi": shashi_31

12. How To Enjoy The Ecstasy By Following Sri Sai's Sayings

Man is not the body alone. He is the conglomeration of body, mind

and self. The body is the vehicle for action, the mind is for

realization and the self is the witness of both the body and the

mind. Hence it is sheer stupidity to think that man is made of the

body alone.

How can we enjoy Ecstasy? Only the experience of the meaning of

MANAVATA can enable us to enjoy the ecstasy.

The man who does not realize his true nature is ensnared by the

senses, though in reality he is the master of the sense. When one

understands `MANAVATA' the meaning of `MANAVA' is the true Manava.

When one understands manavata, then only, he realizes oneness. The

proper study of mankind is human. The man who studies without

discrimination fails to understand himself. A mean minded person can

never give up his meanness, inspite of his vast learning. Why should

we waste our lives in the pursuit of acquiring such useless

learning? Better it is to acquire such wisdom that confirms


Education should contribute to spiritual evaluation. It is the

spiritual education, which is the true education. Along with true

education we must acquire secular education as well. The rise of

spiritual education should be accompanied by secular learning. Then

only we can enjoy the ecstasy of Baba's sayings.

When the Self shines in all its splendor by its own light in

everyone, we do not need any other light of knowledge to see the

self. Intellect is like a bulb and the Self is electricity. It is

the light of the ATMA that shines through the senses and the organs

of the body.

To be continued.....





9/12/2004 07:19:22 –0600


I would like to narrate the following miracle of our

beloved Sairam happened in my mother's life today ! My mother

Mrs.Janaki Sundaram is suffering from acute kidney failure and has

been advised by doctors to undergo dialysis treatment very

frequently. All of us in our family prayed to Sairam to save her

from this serious problem and bless her with Udhi or Vibhuthi to

cure her illness. As I am staying at Mumbai with my husband and

children I could not go to my mother's house at Chennai to stay with

her presently. My brother is also staying away from my mother in US

with his family and unable to come to India immediately. So, we

resort to surrender at the Lotus Feet of our Sairam to help us out

in this critical situation and save my mother fully from her serious

kidney problem. Our Beloved Baba listened to our prayers as

promised by Him! and today evening (12-9-04/1630hrs)we got a phone

call from Chennai that one of the Sai Devotees residing at

Adayar/Chennai area visited my mother's house along with one of our

relatives and performed Sai Pooja using a Divine Vel (The Velayutham

of Lord Subramanaya). During the pooja and after the pooja Vibhuthi

started coming from the idol of Sri Shirdi Saibaba and from other

pictures of Bhagavan Sri Sathaya Sai Baba!! We never knew who this

Sai Devotee is and why she came to our house with our relatives and

why she performed Sai Pooja specially at our house without even

asking for the same. All these are our Beloved Baba's miracles only

and we believe fully that He Himself has come in the form of a lady

to our house to bless my mother and blessed her with Vibhuthi as we

wished to Him to save my mother by performing a Pooja specially for

her. Sri Sairam has once again proved to us through this miracle

that He never lets His devotees down when they fully surrender to

His Lotus Feet.



"Ravinder Thota" thota

9/12/2004 21:42:06 –0400

Devotee Experiences:

A Sai Devotee, Canada

Mrs. Veena Gupta, a world-renowned liberated and a realized soul of

Baba is in Georgia for a brief stay to join the family. Baba has

always manifested His omni presence by His miracles whenever she

moves in India or abroad. It is every Thursday at the end of Sai

Amrit Vani prayer in Georgia, Baba has blessed her with Vibhuti

manifestation either on her Sari, Prasad and on glass and frame of

photo of Baba.

I came across this Divine soul 2 years ago when Baba has manifested

Vibhuti on the idol of Him at my place in Toronto during her brief

Aarthi prayer to Him in the presence of all Sai Devotees at my new

residence. She drove all the way from Washington just to bless my

Home as per Lord Wish.

On Sept.1, 2004 I was struggling with my Life and Death and was to

undergo surgery in Toronto, Canada. Prior getting admitted to the

Hospital for Pre surgery check up, I phoned up to her and took the

blessing of this Divine Soul.

By Lord Sai Grace and realized soul of Baba everything went on well

and I am back home safe on Sept.12.2004 with success.

Baba once again blessed her this Thursday on Sept. 9, 2004 by His

presence while this Great Divine Soul was

Traveling from Georgia to Florida in the car. After Sai Amrit Vani

prayer, which she performed in the moving car, Baba manifested

Vibuthi on the sari in the car and proved that whenever this Divine

Soul traveled, He is always with her.

Baba never left His Devotees alone; He has always showed His

presence in some form or other at any place on this earth.

May Baba Showers His blessings on you all who has Faith and Patience

in Him




9/10/2004 08:37:57 –0600


I had an interview scheduled on July 18, 2003 at the US

Consulate for a student's visa. My uncle was leaving for Shirdi the

same morning. I asked my uncle to wish for me that I get my visa. I

got my visa and told my aunt about it, she said that I had to go to

Shirdi as my uncle had prayed to Baba for my visa and said that if

it was granted, I would visit Shirdi. The next day I left for Shirdi

from Delhi. Needless to say, the pilgrimage was more than enriching.

I had no assistantship in the first semester. It would not have been

possible for me to continue without any aid from the school. Again,

two days before the beginning of the next semester, With Baba's

grace, things went on smoothly. Baba hee yahaan tak laaye hain,

aagey bhi wohi karenge...

Om Sai Krupa!



9/07/2004 22:47:39 –0600


Deva, its my prayer to you. please dil ke baat sun lo. if possible

please show your miracle.






Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Baba told before

He took His Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to

play in Booty Wada (Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So far you

have enjoyed Krishna Leelas. Baba has also established his identity

with Lord Sri Rama. Now I will take you through our epic Ramayan

from this issue. Tell your parents to read the Glory of Shirdi Sai –

Bi-weekly E-magazine and narrate Ramayan from this magazine.



Thousands of years ago, in our country, there was a king named

Dasharatha who ruled over a kingdom, known as Koshala. Ayodhya a

prosperous city on the bank of river Saryu, was his kingdom's

capital. He was a descendant of a line of mighty and generous

Suryavanshi kings. He was such a great master of art of warfare that

on a number of occasions he was called upon to help gods in their

war against the demons. Year after year passed on and King

Dasharatha grew old and he was worried at not having an heir to

ascent to the throne of Ayodhya. The anxiety that the great

Suryavamshi dynasty would end with him was giving him sleepless

nights. One day he visited sage Vashishtha, the royal priest, and

told him his anxiety and sought his advice. The sage advised him to

perform a yagya and pray to God, and assured him that his wish would

be fulfilled. On the advice of his royal priest and under the

guidance of sage Rishyashringa a yagya was performed.


Dasharatha's prayers did not go fruitless. His wish was fulfilled,

and four sons were born to him. Rama, the reincarnation of Lord

Vishnu, was the eldest son of King Dasharatha and his eldest Queen

Kaushalya. The two other Queens, Sumitra and Kaikeyi, bore him three

other sons- Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna. When these princes

were born, there were great festivities throughout Ayodhya and alms

were given away. There were great rejoicing, singing and dancing

throughout the kingdom. The four handsome princes were loved not

only by Dasharatha and his three queens, but also by all the king's

courtiers and subjects. Rama was the apple of everyone's eye.

Through Rama was the son of Queen Kaushalya, he was very dear to the

other two Queens, especially the youngest queen, Kaikeyi, was very

fond of him. Rama, supposed to be the reincarnation of Lord Vishnu

himself, was blessed with all the noble qualities. The four brothers

loved and cared for another very much, but there was close affinity

between Rama and Lakshmana. Lakshmana was very devoted to Rama.

Gradually the princes grew up to be handsome lads. They were sent to

the sage Vashishtha for education. There they learned not only the

four Vedas and Holy Scriptures but also the art of warfare.

………….To be continued



"Yogendra Chari Gurujapu": sumayogi

9/09/2004 11:39:05 –0400


My name is Yogendrachari Gurujapu. We live in Columbus, OH. Sai

devotees in Columbus, Ohio, have been doing Thursday Bhajans since 4

years. Last year summer, we moved our bhajans to a temporary place

and we have been worshipping Lord Sainath in that temple everyday.

We are planning to have a permanent worship place for our beloved

Sainath in Columbus, OH (Mid-west of USA) in the near future.

I am very happy to see the newsletter in my email

For our Columbus, OH Sai activities please visit our website at

below URL.


Thanks once again for the newsletter.

Chari Gurujapu



9/09/2004 09:24:21 –0500

Dear Sai Bandhu.

I just wanted to let you know what I would be more than happy to

help you out with your webwork or anything related to computers.

Please let me know in what way I can be of use to you. If you ever

need any help, please don't hesitate to ask me. I currently manage

the music website: http://music.sshvosc.org and other similar


Thanking You,



k.aruna jyothi" arunajyothiraj

9/12/2004 18:19:14 +0000


I am Arunajyothi. Since past few months I am not receiving our E-

magazine "The Glory of Shiridi Sai. I do not know the reason why I

am so much used to reading that magazine that I used to feel like I

am in contact with Baba through that Magazine. But since many days

I am not getting it. Hence writing to you. Rest is all fine. Thank



Srikanth Reddy": javasri

9/12/2004 12:07:16 -0000

Jai Sai Ram,

Thanks for sending me such good mails.

Sai Ram



YVJR SUDHAKAR: ysudhakar

9/17/2004 12:57:34 +0530

It is again greatness of SAI MAHARAJ, who has given you the thought

of sending this e-magazine to my e-mail address.

.. Thanks a lot. Keep sending me SAI LEELAs.



Silari M : msilari

9/18/2004 23:00:26 –0700


Thanks for mailing me the newsletter.




sudarshan menon : sudarshanmenon2004

9/17/2004 05:57:44 -0700

Jai Jai Sai Ram


Many Many thanks for sending me issue 19 of The Glory of Shirdi

Sai. My humble pranaams at His lotus feet.

Jai Jai Sai Ram



9/21/2004 15:08:43 -0400


Thanks very much for emailing us this wonderful magazine.

Best Regards

T Jai



Please visit:



Visit http://www.angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra/index.html for

SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities.

Visit http://www.viswasaidarbar.com for SAIDARBAR - London


Visit http://www.saidarbarusa.org for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford




"Shirdi Sai Baba": technical

23 Sep 2004 15:26:07 –0000

First Annual Day Event of SaiDarbar USA (Wallingford Saidarbar group)

Jai Sai Ram.

This occasion was the day for which each and every member was

planning and working for, for the past five months. And all the

members enjoyed every moment of this occasion. The day's agenda

started with prayers on Lord Vignesha and on Lord Dattaatreya by two

youth members followed by our regular prayers and Sai Ashtothram.

Sai Bandhu Sundernath Moorthy made a welcome note and mentioned few

words about the Sai Darbar USA.

Shri Gopal Rao (SaiBaNisa Uncle) made a beautiful (telephonic)

address for 25 minutes, on the origin of Sai Darbar and its original

founder member Shyama. He affirmed that Shyama, ( Shri. Madhav Rao

Deshpande) was the original founder member of Saidarbar and now it

has been revived again. In his speech, he honored Shyama as an

original founder of Sai Darbar Movement. He spoke about Shyama's

devotion towards Baba and cited many incidents where Shyama and Baba

displayed "the Lord and His devotee's" relation. He also mentioned

that, our Lord Sai had blessed us in the form of rain. It did not

rain a day before and nor a day after. Heavy showers on that day,

was merely His Blessings and was not an ordinary rain. HH Swami

Siddhanandaji of Chinmaya Mission, Kedar, Pennsylvania gave an

impressive speech for 25 minutes on "Guru" and then on "Seva". His

message was for all level of audiences. Children's play was the

biggest attraction. They performed three plays in which they

showed "Baba pervading in all Creatures" and "Baba's Sanskrit

knowledge". All the children received certificates for their

participation in the plays from HH Swami Siddhanandaji.

HH Swami Siddhanandaji, then inaugurated and launched

www.saidarbarusa.org, which was another highlight of Sai DarbarUSA.

Maha Prasad was offered to Lord Shri Sai, by an ardent Sai Devotee

and an owner of a restaurant in Philadelphia, Sai Bandhu Mohan

Parmar and was served to all the members. Last item was Bhajans and

Aarti lead by HH Swami Siddhanandaji.

Greetings and messages sent by various devotees and members of other

Sai Darbar chapter were read out with a thanks note to everyone.

Bow to Shri Sai, Peace be to All.

Sai Sevak – www.saidarbarusa.org

Message from Sainama Sri D.Sankaraiah: sainama

Esteemed Sai Brothern Of Sai Darbar, Wallingford,


Salutations to Lord Sainath for having blessed and sown the tiny

seed of Sai Darbar which has now grown into a one year plant giving

fresh spiritual breeze and also taking care of those who visited for

Satsangs.Your periodical gatherings to think of Him in all possible

ways is a source of strength to everyone of you. I feel the plant is

growing beautifully and healthily because it is being manured,

watered and nursed with 'Shradha' and 'Saburi' by all of you. I'm

sure Baba is sitting in the form of Dwarakamai to guide the

destinies of all of you. I would like to appeal to all of you; being

in Samsara with several obligations and duties our 'Faith' in Him

should be as strong as possible. A contemporary saint of Sri Rama

Krishna Paramahamsa told Vivekananda "Remain lying at the door of

your Guru like a dog." We know a dog is faithful to his master

whether he feeds or starves, whether he beats or cajoles. We should

also be as loyal as a dog to our Guru-God.

Let us all pray to our Lord for showering His Grace

on all children who have attended today's function. We know they are

future citizens may be scientists, teachers, administrators,

politicians, spiritual masters etc., who knows. I'm glad Baba has

inspired Sri Mohan Parmar and Sri Mahadev to actively associate with

this function. Let us all remember 'An ounce of spiritual practice

is better than tons of theories and the study of spiritual books'




"saibandhu" saibandhu

Thu, 23 Sep 2004 22:12:37 –0000

[sai_Parivaar] Shirdi Sai Mahasamadhi & Dassera Celebrations in Bay

area, C.A - invitation


Dear Shirdi Sai Devotees

Shirdi Sai Mahasamadhi & Dussera Celebrations in Bay area, C.A

We welcome all of you with family, to join us for Shirdi Sai

Mahasamadhi & Dassera Celebrations in the Bay Area, CA on October

23rd (Saturday) in Sunnyvale between 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

For Further details visit: www.ShradhaSaburi.org


Veena gupta: veena_gupta_2000

9/15/2004 08:25:27 -0700


Jai Sai Ram

I do the Sai Amrit Vani from 11 AM to 12 noon where ever I go,

alone or in group. Some times when we can not perform Sai Amrit Vani

together I always advise them to do the Sai Amrit Vani at the same

time so that we will be doing it altogether, may be at different

places. Baba has no limit of time and space. He does not believe in

show off. Prayer should be from the bottom of the heart, when ever

and where ever you do. Last time on Thursday the 9th Sept 2004 I was

on my way to Florida from Atlanta and I did my Sai Amrit Vani in the

car moving at the speed of about 80 miles per hour.


When I finished my Sai Amrit Vani I found my lap with Udi. So Baba

is every where only complete faith and surrender ness is required, I

will be doing Sai Amrit Vani at Marietta, G A –30062 on 16th 23rd

and 30th Sept., and in Columbia MD- 21044 on 7th, 14th and 21st Oct.

I will be going to Columbia ( Baltimore) on 1st Oct and return Back

to Atlanta on 22nd Oct. From Columbia I will be visiting Sen Jose

from 7th Oct. night to 13th Oct morning so there will be no

Thursday falling at Sen Jose. Any body wishing to attend Sai Amrit

Vani either at Columbia or at Marietta is most welcome. Any body

making a request for the pray should please write their name and

location also. Finally I will be returning back to Delhi, India on

Nov 29th.

Jai Sai Ram.

Veena Gupta


Om Sai Mandir": saisandesh

9/1/2004 22:34:46 –0400

Om Sai Mandir Newsletter: Sai Sandesh: September 2004 Issue is

available on line and can be read at:



Shirdi Sai Jalaram Mandir": baba

Temple timings: Weekdays (except Thu) - 6.15pm to 7.00pm; Thu –

6.30pm to 9pm; Weekends – 9am to 7pm. Dhoop (Sandhya) Arathi

performed on all days and in addition Kakad and Noon (Madhyan)

Arathi on weekends. All devotees are encouraged to sign up either by

contacting temple committee members or by sending an email to

baba to sign up for weekend volunteer service


"Atlanta Sai Temple News" atlantasai

Dear Sai Devotees,

Please plan to attend the sponsored Bhajan at the temple for Further

details please visit: www.templeofpeace.org




Om Sai Ram,

We would like to inform you that we have now added your link to our

web site, you can find the link here: http://www.omsaibaba.com/ we

have also updated the site with some new photos. Om Sai Ram.





Saibanisa – Gopala Rao Ravada Garu was the chief guest for the Om

Sai Ram Satsangh of Hyderabad held on 26-09-2004, Sunday at 10 A.M.

in D.A.E.Colony, Hyderabad – 500 062. He introduced Sant Swami

Vedananda Saraswathi MahaRaj to the Sai devotees. Sant Swamiji has

conducted the Bhajans for about one hour and gave a discourse on

Shirdi Sai Philosophy and its use in day-to-day life.


We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar


The Executive members of Saidarbar – Hyderabad would like to convey

their hearty thanks to Saibandhu VijayAggarwal of USA who has came

forward to take the responsibility of publishing the E-book "Sai A

Beacon For Humanity" in the internet and to the Sai devotees who

have purchased this book. With this activity Saidarbar- Hyderabad

gained the confidence to release the E-books in future also. We

request all Sai devotees to support Saidarbar movement and receive

Blessings from Baba.


Now in collaboration with India in a book "The Glory of Shirdi

Sai" is available in the form of E-magazine in the website

http://www.ebooks.vijishvanya.com/shirdi/emagazine.htm We hope that

readers will get benefited by going through this Bi-weekly Magazine,

solely dedicated for the purpose of spreading Shri Shirdi Sai

Philosophy across the Globe by the media of internet.


14. FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: The Glory of Shirid Sai will be pleased

to publish the activities in this regard from all the Sai centers.

Individuals interested may send reports to Saidarbar


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai" -

they may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- a bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will

publish them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative

and also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi




P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shiridi

Sai ", kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.


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