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Thoughts from Man Management - Awareness of Atma (3)

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of Atma: (Continued from where we left the last time)


emerges from fire. Here is a small example. A person has 103 F temperature.

When it comes down to normal, some water comes out of the body. Though it may

not be our social experience, we go for social work. While we go for social

work, it is very sunny and very hot. Work means movement. Sweat is generated

due to both the heat and the movement. For getting the sweat out of the body,

heat is responsible. So, water has come out of the heat. When this water

solidifies, it becomes earth. The basis of earth is water and the basis of

water is fire. The cause for fire is wind. Sky is responsible for wind. And,

Atma is responsible for the sky. That is

why the five elements are called the NARAS. Nara

means Atma. As everyone contains Atma (within the body), he is called NARUDU.

In the word NARA,


RA. RAHA means destruction. NARAHA means that which cannot be destroyed. The body

may perish, but the Atma is eternal.

Here is a container. There is water in the tumbler. When you take the tumbler

outside, you can see reflection of the sky. But if you drink the water, you

cannot see the sky. Is there no sky? Sky is there, but there is no water, we

cannot see the reflection. Similarly, Atma

will be there as long as body exists and even after. But Atma

is not seen when body is not there. Body may perish but Atma does not perish. So, awareness is

recognizing the all-pervasive Atma.

We'll start with the third facet of the M.A.N.A.G.E.R. next week -- N - Nature of Nations.

Sai Ram.


This abstract comes from Chap 1.1 - Ideal profile of a manager, of the book 'Man

Management' - The Gita of management by Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai Baba.

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