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Manuel-Tim - Recovery

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Hi Manuel,


Nisargadatta, " Manuel Hernandez " <manuel1498> wrote:

> Telling me to just be when the obesssion was on was like telling a

> person on fire to sit still. hahahahaha


These messages are not intended for someone actively and obsessively

using drugs and alcohol, that should be pretty obvious (?). Likely

they would be selling their computer at a pawn shop to get more drugs

anyway <lol>.


> I was burning up my friend. If your body is of the addict nature.

> Then you know about using against your will.


What 'will'? " Addiction " happens like all other happenings, it is

acausal and not under anybody's control. Even the programs will tell

you that, " we admitted we were powerless over xxxxx. "


> See Tim, Manuel is an addict.

> Simple.


The body is an addict, not Manuel (unless Manuel is nothing but a

body). Could it be that in the statement, " I am an addict " (or " I am

anything else " ) -- everything after the words " I am " is nothing but a



If you like the label, then stick it on your forehead, nobody will

stop you ;-).


> The light bulb went on, Manuel thought, Manuel you are allergic to

> drugs. That is simple. If this patient is given Pencilling they

> will have a reaction. If Manuel takes drugs he will have a

> reaction as well.


Manuel seems strongly identified with the body.


Enough of the slogans, I've heard every single one repeated hundreds

of times. If you give up the seeking and Realize the Self, you can

forget about everything, including addiction AND recovery... it will

be a new life entirely.


But I sense the teachings are not real to you, not even intuitively.

You aren't done with the world yet, nor with society, nor with

suffering. That's OK, fruit falls from a tree when it ripens, not

before then.





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