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JoAnn Guest

Nov 12, 2006 13:43 PST





There have been cases where nervousness has been remedied with the

cider vinegar and honey treatment. In this instance a glassful of

water mixed with two teaspoons of each i.e. cider vinegar and honey

to be taken three times a day. Refined flour and sugar products

should be completely eliminated from the diet. One should also cut

down on high protein foods as much as possible and eat plenty of

fresh salads and fruit.




As an excessive nose bleed is caused by the blood being unable to

clot as it should normally, the cider vinegar treatment will prove

efficacious in this respect i.e. two teaspoons of cider vinegar in a

glassful of water three times daily.




There are a number of reasons why a person is assailed with

excessive fat deposits. This is apparent in both sexes and cannot,

from professional data, be attributed to any one major factor.

Obesity, often eventuates from the excessive intake of alcohol,

thereby causing water retention in the tissues. This is often

apparent by the 'swollen' appearance of the face. There are also

certain drugs which cause obesity and thus the body increases in

weight. Overeating, insufficient oxidation of the blood,

insufficient exercise, lack of fresh air etc, are also attributed to

this condition.


Two teaspoons of cider vinegar should be taken in a glassful of

water on rising in the morning. To obtain the best

results possible this should be taken before each meal and during

the day over a period of some time. Natural methods take longer, as

the body has to adapt itself, especially the skin in this

instance as it retains its elasticity.


The drink should be sipped during the course of the meal which will

also prevent overeating and it will promote digestion. According to

some authorities, the average weight reduction is 1.5 Ibs. a week.

This all depends upon whether the diet has been adjusted. Wholesome,

nutritious and MODERATION is the key to weightless, together with

deep breathing and physical exercise.



Cider vinegar relieves the pain arising from shingles if applied,

undiluted, six times daily to the area of distress. It also promotes

the healing. Take internally as well as prescribed above.




To treat this, one should gargle with apple cider vinegar. One

teaspoonful of vinegar in a glass of water is the dosage to be used.

A mouthful of this solution is gargled every hour, and the second

mouthful after gargling should be swollowed. This is to be repeated

every hour until the condition of the throat is improved.



Chronic pains and profuse menstruation has afflicted women for

centuries. The cider vinegar therapy certainly regulates and

normalizes profuse bleeding. The dosage should be as normal i.e. two

teaspoons of cider vinegar in a glassful of water three times a day.

The diet should also be taken into consideration, as a high animal

protein diet will cause considerable pain when the periods begin.

In other words moderation should be used if one is partaking of

these foods. A noticeable improvement will be experienced when

the diet is kept to the fresh raw fruits and fresh salads, together

with the apple cider vinegar therapy. Also plenty of pure water

should be taken whilst menstruating, as this helps in a speedy




Due to cider vinegar improving the calcium metabolism of the body,

it is excellent for improving the condition of the teeth. Tartar

deposits can also be eradicated by using the cider vinegar as a

mouthwash and by brushing your teeth with it to enhance the

whiteness (see Editor's note below). For the mouthwash, one

teaspoonful of cider vinegar should be added to a glassful of water -

repeat this procedure each night until the required results are

achieved (see Editor's note below).


This habit, together with the drinking of cider vinegar will

prevent tooth decay quite considerably. The mouthwash can also be

used for sore gums, or ulcerated gums - be sure that the solution is

not too strong in this case, as it will slightly sting an open sore

(see Editor's note below).


Editor's note: Brushing your teeth with apple cider vinegar is

probably not safe; it may be too acidic for your tooth enamel. Using

the mixture as a mouthwash should not be a problem for your tooth

enamel since it is a very weak mixture, but you can rinse your mouth

out with plain water afterwards just to be safe.


Drinking natural apple cider vinegar mixed

with honey in a glass full of water for health should be no problem

for tooth enamel since you drink it straight down and because this

is usually done before a meal.

But, you can always rinse your mouth out with plain water

afterwards just to be safe.




Apply undiluted cider vinegar to the area where the veins are

affected. This should be undertaken in the morning and evening.

Massage well - always directed towards the heart e.g. as in the case

of the legs, start from the ankles and move in upward strokes

towards the thigh. Cider vinegar and honey should also be taken

three times a day, i.e. two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two of

honey mixed with a glassful of water.




As cider vinegar supplies those organs of the body which are

deficient in some mineral and normalizes the functioning of these

organs, those who are underweight will find that cider vinegar will

help in

normalizing their weight. In this instance the following dosage

should be adhered to: two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two of

honey in a glass of water three times a day.




(Also see Obesity) Cider vinegar will gradually decrease the weight

of the body, as it tends to enable the body burn up fat rather than

storing it. Some people have had results by just taking the cider

vinegar without adjusting their eating habits. However, it is

recommended that one should concentrate on the LIVE FOODS, rather

than continue to live on the devitalized diet which is so prevalent

today. The cider vinegar method should be used

three times daily.



Postnasal drips and watery eyes are also due to a faulty diet, here

again this should be thoroughly investigated, as the body is

eliminating excessive mucous caused by the wrong types of food. This

is often caused by a lack of potassium in the diet,so cider vinegar

therapy will help considerably. The usual dosage as prescribed above

should be taken three times a day before meals.



The skin is a very important part of the body, as it is the major

organ of elimination. Besides being an effective eliminator the skin

also absorbs substances into the body.

In view of this fact it is very important to understand that we

should be very careful with what we place on the skin. Unnatural

substances such as cosmetics, which contain chemicals are very

detrimental to the skin health. This is also true for the

comrnercial soap which we use for washing the body. The skin needs

an acid mantle to maintain its lustre and glow - however, due to the

extreme alkalinity of soap reacting on the skin, this causes a

number of disorders.

Soap also contains animal fats and hormones, synthetic

perfumes and preservatives; therefore, it should not be used to

cleanse the body.


However, cider vinegar is an effective method of cleansing the body.

A bath can be taken in cider vinegar and water. A hand bath should

be preceded as follows: to half a glass of warm water should be

added one teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar. Cup the palm of the

hand and pour in approximately a palmful of the mixture. First apply

to the arms and shoulders, rubbing the solution into the skin

briskly. The legs and feet can be done in the same manner, together

with the body. A brisk rubbing action should be used to massage the

cider vinegar solution into the skin. You will soon find that the

solution has been completely absorbed by the skin and very little

drying is needed.




Instead of using soap, add a half pint of apple cider vinegar to the

water and remain submerged in the water for at least fifteen minutes

so that the skin surface of the body may have a chance to absorb

some of the acid water. This is extremely important for those people

who have an alkaline skin; this condition will be indicated by those

people who continually suffer from skin irritation, and they are

forever scratching their skin.




Take one teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glassful of

water - dip your comb into the solution and comb the hair thoroughly

until saturated. This should be performed fifteen minutes or so

before actually washing the hair. This treatment helps with the

elimination of dandruff.



JoAnn Guest



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