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Found 6 results

  1. Sadyojata Vamadeva Aghora Tatpurusha Isana Thank You, Kiran.
  2. Hi Folks, I'm trying to confirm a translation for: Let Your Soul Shine Since it's going to be a permanent tattoo, I'd feel much better about it's accuracy. Is the following accurate?: लेत योउर सोउल् शिने Thank you in advance for any help you can provide! Victor
  3. hello i need help for a new tattoo that i wan to get can someone help me to translate this into sanskrit?: "gravity can't forget to pull me back to the ground again..."
  4. There are so many posts in this thread asking for help in writing names in Hindi/Sanskrit for tattoing. I am really curious to know how so many people (many of whom may not have met each other) are interested in knowing how their names or the names of some of their near and dear ones look in Sanskrit. Could you please throw some light on how you got interested in seeing names in Sanskrit? Please note. I am asking this only out of curiosity. (The thread 'Do you want to write in Hindi/Sanskrit' should help you create tattoos in Hindi/Sanskrit.)
  5. Guest

    Sanskrit tattoos

    Greetings! I live in Boston, USA and Im VERY INTERESTED in getting 2 sanscrit tattoos of the words NIRVANA and VIDYA/VEDA (i know both are knowledge, but whats the difference?). DO you know how these 2 would look in SANSKRIT? and do you know of a good place in the US??? THank you very much!!!!!
  6. Some common Sanskrit tattoos and their meanings: ईश्वरः मम न्यायदाता God is my judge sanskrit tattoos and meanings कुटुंबकं जीवनं मम Family is my life sanskrit tattoos and meanings माता मत्सकाशं सदा Mom is with me forever sanskrit tattoos and meanings अस्माकं कार्याणि अस्मान्सावधीकरिष्यंति Only action will define us sanskrit tattoos and meanings न कदापि खंडितः Never broken sanskrit tattoos and meanings तव हृदयं रक्ष Protect your heart sanskrit tattoos and meanings एम् एन् सत्यं प्रेम My true love sanskrit tattoos and meanings अहमस्मि योधः I am a fighter एतदपि गमिष्यति This, too, will pass sanskrit tattoos and meanings शाश्वतं जीवनम् , अमरं प्रेम Eternal Life, Undying Passion sanskrit tattoos and meanings शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति Strength comes from an indomitable will. sanskrit tattoos and meanings सदैव देवत्वं दर्शयामि I always manifest divinity sanskrit tattoos and meanings स्वतःची चांगली काळजी घ्या Take good care of your self sanskrit tattoos and meanings प्रेम शांतिः आनंदश्च Love,peace and happiness sanskrit tattoos and meanings “अनुगृहिता” अस्म्यहम् I am blessed sanskrit tattoos and meanings एकं जीवनम्, एकः अवसरः One life one chance sanskrit tattoos and meanings स्वात्मानं जानीहि Know thyself sanskrit tattoos and meanings सदैव मम प्रेम Forever my lofe sanskrit tattoos and meanings दिव्यः प्रकाशः Divine light sanskrit tattoos and meanings हस श्वसिहि मंदं गच्छ च Smile, breathe and go slowly sanskrit tattoos and meanings यात्रायां सखा जीवने करुणा In travel, a companion, in life, compassion. sanskrit tattoos and meanings प्रेम सत्यमस्ति Love is truth sanskrit tattoos and meanings प्रतिकूलतायाः शक्तिः strength through adversity sanskrit tattoos and meanings मा कस्मिंश्चित् विश्वसिहि Trust nobody sanskrit tattoos and meanings मृत्युः न कदाप्यस्मान्पृथक्करिष्यति Death will never separate us sanskrit tattoos and meanings सः रक्षतु मयानुरक्तां सर्वान् May he protect everyone i love sanskrit tattoos and meanings शक्तिः कृपायुक्तं जीवनमस्ति Strength is having a graceful life sanskrit tattoos and meanings मम जीवनस्य प्रेम Love of my live sanskrit tattoos and meanings यदाहं जीवामि , अहमाशंसे while I live, I hope sanskrit tattoos and meanings जीसस मम शक्तिः Jesus is my power sanskrit tattoos and meanings स्वात्मानं बोध Awaken to your true nature sanskrit tattoos and meanings मम षष्ठमेंद्रियम् My sixth sense sanskrit tattoos and meanings न कदापि स्वप्नदर्शनात्विरमिष्यामि I will never stop dreaming sanskrit tattoos and meanings भविष्यकालं मा कथय Do not predict the future sanskrit tattoos and meanings सहैश्वरेण ममैकात्मता I am one with god sanskrit tattoos and meanings सर्वं ज्ञानं मयि विद्यते All that I have to learn is within me sanskrit tattoos and meanings अहमस्मि पवित्रता ईश्वरः इच्छति I am the purity god desires sanskrit tattoos and meanings प्रतिकारतमः मार्गः The path of most resistance sanskrit tattoos and meanings जीव प्रणश्य च पश्चात्तापेन विना Live and die without regret sanskrit tattoos and meanings अस्मासु प्रत्येकः तस्य नियतेः अधिपतिः Each of us is master of his destiny sanskrit tattoos and meanings प्रेम कुरु यदा शक्नोसि, श्वः न विश्वस्तः Love when you can, tomorow isn’t promised. sanskrit tattoos and meanings ईश्वरः मां रक्षति God protects me sanskrit tattoos and meanings आनंदः अस्ति स्वीकृतिः Happiness Is Acceptance sanskrit tattoos and meanings सत्यप्रेम शाश्वतमस्ति Real love is forever sanskrit tattoos and meanings स्वपिष्यामि यदा म्रिये I will sleep when i die sanskrit tattoos and meanings सारल्यं शक्तिं पक्षौ यच्छति Sincerity gives wings to stength sanskrit tattoos and meanings अंतः अस्ति प्रारंभः The End is the Beginning sanskrit tattoos and meanings कालः सर्वं विरोपयति Time heals everything sanskrit tattoos and meanings सदैव सौंदर्यं पश्य Always see beauty sanskrit tattoos and meanings एतदपि गमिष्यति This Too Shall Pass sanskrit tattoos and meanings विश्वासः तवात्मनि एव trust in only yourself sanskrit tattoos and meanings स्वात्मानं प्रति सत्येन वर्ते I am true to myself sanskrit tattoos and meanings पुनर्जन्मने म्रियामहे We die to be reborn sanskrit tattoos and meanings तत्परिवर्तनं भव Be the change sanskrit tattoos and meanings स्वाभाविका भव Be yourself sanskrit tattoos and meanings सदैव त्वया सह Always with you sanskrit tattoos and meanings सत्यानंदः अंतरतः विद्यते True happiness lies within sanskrit tattoos and meanings स्पर्शः विरोपकः अस्ति To touch is to heal sanskrit tattoos and meanings परिवर्तनमेव स्थिरमस्ति The only constant is change sanskrit tattoos and meanings मम सर्वमसि You Are My Everything sanskrit tattoos and meanings कारुण्येन सह विरोपय Heal with compassion sanskrit tattoos and meanings मुक्तिः त्वत्तः आगच्छति freedom comes within yourself sanskrit tattoos and meanings प्रेम सर्वान्‌ जयति Love conquers all sanskrit tattoos and meanings मा कदापि त्यज Never give up sanskrit tattoos and meanings यशप्राप्तिः अस्ति नियतिः Being successful is destined sanskrit tattoos and meanings प्रत्येकश्वासः पारितोषिकमस्ति each breath is a gift sanskrit tattoos and meanings प्रेम ईश्वरस्य महत्तमपारितोषिकमस्ति Love is Gods greatest gift sanskrit tattoos and meanings सदैव स्वात्मानं प्रति सत्येन वर्तस्व Be true to yourself always sanskrit tattoos and meanings प्रेमास्ति मम शक्तिः Love is my strength sanskrit tattoos and meanings मम नियतिं नियच्छामि I control my destiny sanskrit tattoos and meanings सर्ववस्तूनि कारणोद्भवानि Everything happens for a reason sanskrit tattoos and meanings सत्यमस्ति क्रांतिकारि कर्म truth is a revolutionary act sanskrit tattoos and meanings सत्यानंदः अंतरतः विद्यते True happiness lies within sanskrit tattoos and meanings ईश्वरः मया सहास्तु God be with me sanskrit tattoos and meanings केवलमीश्वरः मां विज्ञातुं शक्नोति Only god can judge me sanskrit tattoos and meanings ते मम हृदयं यच्छामि I give you my heart sanskrit tattoos and meanings तव गुणान्मा त्यज Do not leave your values sanskrit tattoos and meanings एतदपि परिवर्तिष्यते This too will change sanskrit tattoos and meanings सर्ववस्तूनि कारणोद्भवानि everything happens for a reason sanskrit tattoos and meanings ईश्वरे विश्वासं करोमि in god i trust sanskrit tattoos and meanings परिवर्तितुं शक्तिः Power to change sanskrit tattoos and meanings मा कदापि वद म्रियस्वेति Never say die sanskrit tattoos and meanings आत्मानं जानीहि Know yourself sanskrit tattoos and meanings जीवनं महार्हमस्ति Life is precious sanskrit tattoos and meanings अनुभवः वास्तविकतास्ति Perception is Reality sanskrit tattoos and meanings मम शक्तिः त्वत्तः आगच्छति my strength comes from you sanskrit tattoos and meanings तव परमानंदं मृगयस्व Find your bliss sanskrit tattoos and meanings तव कर्म नियच्छ control your karma sanskrit tattoos and meanings जीवनं जीवितुं पश्चात्तापेन विना To live life without regrets sanskrit tattoos and meanings शांत्यां विरम Rest in peace sanskrit tattoos and meanings पश्चात्तापः न, भयं न No regrets,no fear sanskrit tattoos and meanings निरामयमनः निरामयशरीरे sound mind in sound body sanskrit tattoos and meanings सत्यं प्रशस्यतरं श्रद्धायाः truth over faith sanskrit tattoos and meanings जीवनमनुरज, दृढं जीव love life, live hard sanskrit tattoos and meanings सकारणजीवनं जीव Live a life of purpose sanskrit tattoos and meanings कुटुंबं कीर्त्याः प्राक्‌ Family Before Fame sanskrit tattoos and meanings भयमेवास्ति शत्रुः Fear is the only enemy sanskrit tattoos and meanings यावच्छ्वासोच्छ्वासं करोमि, आशां करोमि while i breathe, i hope sanskrit tattoos and meanings क्षमां कर्तुं शक्तिः Strength to forgive sanskrit tattoos and meanings म्रियंतां जीवतः सर्वे everything that lives must die sanskrit tattoos and meanings अपयशः नास्ति विकल्पः Failure is not an option sanskrit tattoos and meanings सदैव मम हृदये Forever in my heart sanskrit tattoos and meanings ईश्वरः अस्ति मम शक्तिः THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH sanskrit tattoos and meanings शक्तिः श्रद्धायाः आगच्छति Strength comes from faith sanskrit tattoos and meanings सदैव शाश्वतं च Always and forever sanskrit tattoos and meanings सत्यं किमस्ति? What is truth? sanskrit tattoos and meanings यथार्थपरिपूर्णता अपरिपूर्णा भवतु true perfection has to be imperfect sanskrit tattoos and meanings सत्यं प्रेम अमरम् The love never dies sanskrit tattoos and meanings न कंचित् शाश्वतम् Nothing is permanent sanskrit tattoos and meanings विश्वासघातः तवात्मानं रक्षितुं न शक्नोति Deceit can’t save your soul sanskrit tattoos and meanings नान्येन तूत्तमेनैवालम् Nothing but the best is good enough sanskrit tattoos and meanings असतो मा सद्गमय lead me from the unreal to the real sanskrit tattoos and meanings मुंच तव मनः Free your mind sanskrit tattoos and meanings आत्मदीपः भव Be your own light sanskrit tattoos and meanings शक्त्याः धैर्यमायाति From strength comes courage sanskrit tattoos and meanings स्वप्नां द्रष्टुं धैर्यं करवाम we must dare to dream sanskrit tattoos and meanings सारज्ञः भव Be realistic sanskrit tattoos and meanings अशक्यस्य पृच्छां कुरु Demand the Impossible sanskrit tattoos and meanings स्वस्वप्नेषु श्रद्धां कुरु Believe in ones dreams sanskrit tattoos and meanings स्वात्मानं मुंच Liberate yourself sanskrit tattoos and meanings नवारंभः अन्यारंभस्यांतादायाति। Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. sanskrit tattoos and meanings ईश्वरः मम रक्षणकर्ता God is watching my back sanskrit tattoos and meanings सत्यं दुःसह्यतमं दुःखम् Truth is the Most Exquisite Pain sanskrit tattoos and meanings मातृ देवो भव पितृ देवो भव Honour thy mother as God. Honour thy father as God. sanskrit tattoos and meanings क्रोधात् भवति संमोह: संमोहात् स्मृतिविभ्रम: स्मृतिभ्रंशात् बुद्धिनाशो बुद्धिनाशात् प्रणश्यति From Anger comes Delusion, From Delusion loss of Memory, From loss of Memory the destruction of Discrimination, From the destruction of Discrimination, one Perishes
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